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Is anyone interested in researching information for posts?
Asked by ScienceChick | 11 responses -
Why do people feel the need to pick apart research studies?
Asked by nikipedia | 24 responses -
When in doubt, do you Fluther or Google first?
Asked by Carly | 28 responses -
Does "dangerous knowledge" exist and are there areas of research that should be "off limits"?
Asked by shilolo | 29 responses -
Has any valid research on the effects of prayer been done?
Asked by ETpro | 52 responses -
If you are against embryonic cell research for moral reasons, but we discover the cure for a disease you or your family member comes down with, will you use the treatment?
Asked by JLeslie | 42 responses -
Will dehydrated sugar bind to the surface of graphite?
Asked by Hamipertus | 5 responses -
Which animal are you most likely to study if given all the time and resources you need?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 24 responses -
How would you feel if a loved one wanted to donate their body to Bodyworks?
Asked by faye | 36 responses -
Can you explain the difference between scientific and non-scientific research?
Asked by laureth | 46 responses -
Do you think men and women have different personalities?
Asked by nikipedia | 32 responses -
What has curiosity led you to do that you wouldn't have done for any other reason?
Asked by Jeruba | 16 responses -
Who uses his dictionary on a regular basis? What was the last word you didn't recognize?
Asked by gailcalled | 51 responses -
Is there a website that will show doctors who have lost their medical licenses in various states and the reason why?
Asked by jca | 2 responses -
Would you vote for the very first real zombie in the world to be destroyed or studied?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 30 responses -
Questions about social networking, see details.
Asked by awomanscorned | 53 responses -
Have you heard the latest economic sensation?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 8 responses -
How and why do we compare drugs to standard of care during clinical trials?
Asked by Mariah | 10 responses -
What will eventually come of stem cell research?
Asked by ETpro | 11 responses -
Do funding sources necessarily affect the outcome of research?
Asked by nikipedia | 26 responses -
When do you think mocking a belief is warranted?
Asked by iamthemob | 91 responses -
When was the last time Fluther helped you?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 33 responses -
How would a 'non scientist' propose a hypothesis in such a way that it would be considered and tested by scientists?
Asked by Afos22 | 9 responses -
Scientists, researchers, professors: How did you find your niche?
Asked by lilikoi | 6 responses -
What does research into memory tell us, about how memory is organised in the brain?
Asked by MilkyWay | 11 responses