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Whom do you look up to most in your life?
Asked by Polly_Math | 16 responses -
What do you respect?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 32 responses -
Should atheists or people of one particular religion show deference to prominent religious figures like the Pope or the Dalai Lama if they don't believe in the religious movements?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 38 responses -
Am I wrong to feel a bit violated (please read details)?
Asked by jonsblond | 36 responses -
Is it rude to walk through someone who isn't there?
Asked by tyrantxseries | 23 responses -
Do we have to love/care for/cherish our grown-up children unconditionally regardless of their behaviour or attitude towards us?
Asked by zensky | 26 responses -
Is this where I bite my tongue?
Asked by YARNLADY | 48 responses -
NSFW. See inside for details.
Asked by chyna | 60 responses -
Is my Dad's business any of my business?
Asked by jamielynn2328 | 14 responses -
To you, what does it mean to respect another?
Asked by Facade | 33 responses -
Celebrating someone's birthday when they're on the street?
Asked by kneesox | 12 responses -
Is this request too much to ask of a partner or SO?
Asked by cazzie | 60 responses -
Are there times when you find it difficult to take any question here seriously?
Asked by wundayatta | 87 responses -
Can you admit when you are wrong about something?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 29 responses -
Do you or somone you know talk to their spouse like a child?
Asked by dreamer31 | 10 responses -
Why do some men seem to confuse fear with respect?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 41 responses -
Since when can a person's worth to society be reflected in a mirror?
Asked by desiree333 | 10 responses -
Out of the relational tripod of love, respect, and trust, which leg removed would cause everything crashing?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 9 responses -
When is it appropriate to want to know the details of someone's death?
Asked by ParaParaYukiko | 12 responses -
Has anyone close to you ever done something that caused you to lose respect for them?
Asked by cinnamonk | 26 responses -
Have you ever participated in a witch-hunt?
Asked by dammitjanetfromvegas | 7 responses -
I would like to know why some feel it necessary to come into a Question and point out how others are wrong instead of just giving their view on it?
Asked by JustmeAman | 39 responses -
What kind of relationship do you have with your in-laws?
Asked by Nimis | 17 responses -
You know that your SO loves you, but they love to flirt and have a wandering eye. How do you deal with it?
Asked by max53 | 34 responses -
Is it polite to answer, "Yes sir/No sir" or "Yes ma'am/No Ma'am" to someone well under your age level?
Asked by Corporate_Avenger | 24 responses