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Why is the death penalty a non-view event when it could be assessible to all by cable?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 124 responses -
With out any higher powers to determine good and evil why would vengeance be bad?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 62 responses -
Are they out to get squeeky?
Asked by stanleybmanly | 17 responses -
Is taking pleasure in knowing someone's chickens came home to roost, as bad as seeking revenge yourself?
Asked by Rangie | 29 responses -
To sue or not to sue?
Asked by msh from iPhone | 6 responses -
Do you believe Leslie Van Houten, former Manson family member convicted in the killings of Rosemary and Leno LaBianca, should be granted parole after 47 years in prison? [Details]?
Asked by ibstubro | 17 responses -
What legal recourse do I have to get the vet bill paid by the owner of a mean pit bull?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 8 responses -
Why shouldn't it be, or isn't it, an eye for an eye?
Asked by Jellie | 21 responses -
What's with Phoenix? Is all this wacko weather divine retribution for their right wing tendencies?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 2 responses -
How guilty have you felt?
Asked by wundayatta | 15 responses -
How many of the original planners/attackers for 9/11 are still at large?
Asked by gorillapaws | 7 responses -
Are there any examples of intentionally inflicted punishment that are not sadistic?
Asked by ninjacolin | 18 responses -
What, if any, risks are the politicians (like Susan Collins) running by saying that they cannot support Trump. If he were to win, would Trump try to punish her?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 17 responses