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If discrimination and segregation is hidden now, what was the point of having it publically outlawed?
Asked by annabee | 54 responses -
Where's the logic?
Asked by syz | 34 responses -
DOMA is dead! Prop 8 defeated! Your thoughts?
Asked by augustlan | 49 responses -
Supreme Court may make a decision on DOMA this week, if you were a betting man or woman, which way do you think that it'll go?
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 19 responses -
Should a neo-nazi get custody rights?
Asked by Michael_Huntington | 22 responses -
Can men who frequently check out women's faces and figures avoid objectifying women?
Asked by Dr_Lawrence | 26 responses -
Do you find it almost impossible to watch animal rights/animal activism videos?
Asked by jca | 22 responses -
If I pay for the parking does my boss have any right to decide where I park?
Asked by Palican | 38 responses -
Does a person who is arrested still have Miranda rights even if they are not read to him?
Asked by LostInParadise | 47 responses -
Which scares you more, terrorism or a police state?
Asked by ETpro | 41 responses -
Is the education of children a parental right?
Asked by genjgal | 100 responses -
Should a prospective employer be able to ask for all your social media passwords during the application process, including Facebook?
Asked by Espiritus_Corvus | 34 responses -
Who is defending DOMA to the Supreme Court?
Asked by Judi | 10 responses -
Yesterday was International Women's Day. What positive things would you like to see happen in the women's rights world in the near future?
Asked by mambo | 8 responses -
Do laws and legislation equal "rights?"?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 22 responses -
Anyone here have or plan to have a "This is My Body" segment on YouTube?
Asked by ETpro | 26 responses -
Are all public schools like this, is this progress?
Asked by Unbroken | 13 responses -
Have employers ever been able to require childlessness as a condition of employment?
Asked by submariner | 17 responses -
What constitutes civilization?
Asked by RandomGirl | 9 responses -
What are some "legitimate" reason for a citizens to own firearms with high-volume clips?
Asked by Strauss | 71 responses -
How far does one allow bigotry to go?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 28 responses -
How do we undo the damage gerrymandering and other attempts to rig elections have done to democracy in the USA?
Asked by ETpro | 10 responses -
Do those of you who support animal rights intend to boycott The Hobbit?
Asked by wildpotato | 22 responses -
Hate speech or just bad taste?
Asked by oratio | 62 responses -
Will you be celebrating Heterosexual Awareness Month?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 51 responses