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What will result from climate change?
Asked by FreshlyBaked | 26 responses -
Do enzymes break glucose down under boiling temperatures?
Asked by 717richboy | 4 responses -
Hypothesis for general biology...?
Asked by 717richboy | 3 responses -
Will a majority of Republicans ever learn that science is more reliable than their fantasies?
Asked by wundayatta | 70 responses -
Where can I find out more on happiness on a nonscientific level ?
Asked by Anythingnew | 6 responses -
Over two-thirds of Republicans believe in demonic possession. WTF?
Asked by wundayatta | 73 responses -
What are some good books or articles about body language and eye contact?
Asked by DigitalBlue | 4 responses -
Is it true that pheromones/chemistry have more impact on attraction than physical appearances?
Asked by DigitalBlue | 12 responses -
When a state court decides a perpetrator is mentally ill does the state then become the legal guardian of this person?
Asked by _Whitetigress | 7 responses -
What is mass?
Asked by Luiveton | 13 responses -
Which bugs/insects were or were not on the Ark?
Asked by Jenniehowell | 23 responses -
They say, "It doesn't pay to play?". Is this true?
Asked by ETpro | 5 responses -
So! Mature cells may be reprogrammed into stem cells. Does this put the stem cell controversy to rest?
Asked by Nullo | 26 responses -
What topic should I write my first article for the University Science Magazine about?
Asked by Taz0007 | 6 responses -
Will the most extraordinary scientific discoveries be made in biology?
Asked by LostInParadise | 6 responses -
Could you point me to information about how salty snacks affect the GI system?
Asked by DaphneT | 4 responses -
Does 0.5% nacl in isopropyl alcohol conduct electricity?
Asked by bunnygirl50665 | 2 responses -
How do we know so much about biochemistry?
Asked by LostInParadise | 7 responses -
Dilution factor problem?
Asked by ScottyMcGeester | 4 responses -
How in the world do I graph this on Excel?
Asked by ScottyMcGeester | 3 responses -
Why do atheists believe in other objective moralities when there is no scientific evidence supporting them?
Asked by emilianate | 37 responses -
Why don't all these factors affect experiments?
Asked by Mr_Saturn512 | 3 responses -
Some questions about rainbows.
Asked by El_Cadejo | 17 responses -
If it could be proven one way or another that God is false or that what scientists believe is false, how would it change you?
Asked by Pandora | 24 responses -
Why do planets orbit the way they do?
Asked by pallen123 | 19 responses