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How does a laptop mouse pad know what is touching it?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 12 responses -
Watches never work when I wear them?
Asked by lynngrotsky | 15 responses -
Why does CSF appears to be dark in T1 and white in T2?
Asked by nemmers | 2 responses -
How can magnetic attraction best be used to create the impression of invisible ghosts รก la Scooby Doo villainy?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 10 responses -
Which plastics can helium support?
Asked by emmalazarus | 3 responses -
Is Burt Goldman the smartest man alive today for what he says he's discovered?
Asked by markferg | 14 responses -
How many dimensions are observable?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 12 responses -
Why do you think there has been no real serious academic inquiry into stupidity?
Asked by iamthemob | 28 responses -
How do we know the universe is expanding?
Asked by El_Cadejo | 30 responses -
What question can be proved wrong or right by science, but has not been done before? What kind of processes would I go through to prove this?
Asked by KateTheGreat | 26 responses -
What does science have to say about some people being genetically inferior to other people?
Asked by cackle | 52 responses -
What do you think about MCI new proposal Vision 2015?
Asked by kritikagupta | 1 response -
On whose shoulders stood the likes of Aristotle, Emerson, Einstein?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 10 responses -
What is science?
Asked by squirbel | 22 responses -
Are there mixed-breed fishes or birds?
Asked by WasCy | 14 responses -
Is it possible that astrology is a science that has not yet been researched enough?
Asked by squirbel | 63 responses -
How do Creationists explain why people look so different from one another?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 63 responses -
How to make columns into lists for .csv (excel) with Python?
Asked by chk8n | 2 responses -
Are you wrong about any facts at the present moment?
Asked by ninjacolin | 77 responses -
Help finding story: Two satellites orbit sun to monitor activity?
Asked by DarlingRhadamanthus | 3 responses -
How can there ever be an objective truth when objectivity is approached subjectively?
Asked by cackle | 122 responses -
What is the future of the scientific method?
Asked by talljasperman | 10 responses -
Need Help with Predicate Logic( True Or False)
Asked by jesienne | 6 responses -
Could a really hot surface (~ 500 degrees F) cause hydrogen peroxide to break down the same way that ultraviolet light does?
Asked by Nullo | 14 responses -
What is an example of a colloid and how do you separate it?
Asked by leopardgecko123 | 6 responses