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Would it be more effective to terraform other planets or to modify our own physiology?
Asked by Hobbes | 19 responses -
Why does condensation form near the window frame first?
Asked by Bioplasmic | 6 responses -
Flu shot: help or hype?
Asked by robmandu | 30 responses -
How much coal does it take to charge an iphone?
Asked by xioioix | 5 responses -
How much is a kidney?
Asked by anthony81212 | 35 responses -
This "Big Bang" experiment that starts tomorrow - will it be the end of the world?
Asked by Mr_M | 49 responses -
Do you think the LHC will find the Higgs Boson?
Asked by Jreemy | 12 responses -
Do you think that one day scientists will find that there is a gene for hoarding?
Asked by jca | 41 responses -
Why is the brain crinkled and wrinkled and not smooth?
Asked by sarapnsc | 4 responses -
Is there such a thing as a small pocket/sack in the throat where food can get stuck?
Asked by windex | 14 responses -
Anyone else see music or numbers in color?
Asked by SeekerSeekiing | 20 responses -
Who are famous people, or what are famous cases that involve Forensic science?
Asked by NecroKing | 10 responses -
What's the holdup with hydrogen power?
Asked by gorillapaws | 9 responses -
Why are their a larger percentage of atheist in the biological sciences than they have in the field of physics/cosmology?
Asked by gooch | 26 responses -
What does "excess" mean when talking about chemistry?
Asked by Les | 6 responses -
How does something give off a smell?
Asked by kawaii_ninja | 6 responses -
A list of questions about the movie Wanted.
Asked by anthony81212 | 7 responses -
What do you know that I don't, and should?
Asked by webmasterwilliam | 23 responses -
Why does the sound of my shower change?
Asked by syz | 6 responses -
Are humans hypocrites when acting as if inner beauty is more important than outer beauty?
Asked by wundayatta | 46 responses -
Should I eat this purple mushroom?
Asked by Schenectandy | 49 responses -
Could/should humans be able to literally feed of the Sun?
Asked by BronxLens | 7 responses -
Asked by ebenezer from iPhone | 14 responses -
What do you think would make a big change in the world?
Asked by wrestlemaniac | 48 responses -
Why do our pupils dilate when we look at or think about something we like?
Asked by jeanmay | 5 responses