science fiction
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How do we know that all we see is real?
Asked by Christian95 | 56 responses -
What are the different "kinds" of close/alien encounters?
Asked by kevbo from iPhone | 10 responses -
Will the show Eureka return for a 4th season?
Asked by Hellfrost | 4 responses -
What do you think of the new Stargate show Stargate: Universe?
Asked by Hellfrost | 31 responses -
What's steampunk?
Asked by Iclamae | 10 responses -
Looking for a lost url to a short sci-fi movie (possibly named red cube?)
Asked by nisse | 4 responses -
Where are the nerds at!
Asked by Iclamae | 31 responses -
Can you suggest me a good Sci-Fi book?
Asked by gciochina | 15 responses -
What do you think about Aurora crash in 1897?
Asked by Christian95 | 9 responses -
Has anyone seen the movie Surrogates?
Asked by filmfann | 31 responses -
Any suggestions for intelligent Sci-Fi movies?
Asked by RareDenver | 40 responses -
How different can be aliens?
Asked by Christian95 | 21 responses -
Why do displays/holograms always appear glitchy in futuristic or science fiction movies?
Asked by TheCreative | 20 responses -
Why did peter jackson choose south africa for the setting of District 9?
Asked by drevil99 | 11 responses -
Do you think that the government is covering up some alien contact?
Asked by Christian95 | 49 responses -
What if Pangaea happened NOWADAYS? (Backwards)
Asked by jfos | 22 responses -
How come I write things I hate to read, and I can't write things I love to read?
Asked by wundayatta | 14 responses -
Have you ever considered humans as cattle?
Asked by derekpaperscissors | 31 responses -
Any good, little known, Sci Fi books?
Asked by PerryDolia | 19 responses -
Could you see the other side of a Dyson Sphere with a radius of 1AU?
Asked by mrentropy | 8 responses -
What are your thoughts on human cloning used for good?
Asked by RandomMrdan | 35 responses -
How long do we have until robots take over the world?
Asked by Russter | 43 responses -
What are the best noir/sci-fi books I should read?
Asked by Kingkamandi | 9 responses -
What would you put into your memory device?
Asked by Dog | 10 responses -
Are all crop circles hoaxes?
Asked by noelasun | 60 responses