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What works better when it's broken?
Asked by daemonelson | 40 responses -
Are "classified" documents really that important?
Asked by YARNLADY | 25 responses -
What are your thoughts about using a different fluther identity for really personal questions?
Asked by YARNLADY | 31 responses -
Not mentioning a fact you were not asked about is equal to lying about it?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 17 responses -
What are the best common household hiding places for secret stuff?
Asked by greiss1221 | 68 responses -
Do any secret societies rule the world?
Asked by noly | 26 responses -
What have you shared on Fluther that you haven't shared with your family?
Asked by 6rant6 | 25 responses -
What is the biggest secret you ever uncovered? What secret of yours has been discovered?
Asked by wundayatta | 19 responses -
Is it true that Mother Teresa was secretly an atheist?
Asked by NerdyKeith | 32 responses -
IPhone secrets?
Asked by PIXEL | 22 responses -
Would you kill yourself because someone was spreading a rumor that you were Jewish? [Details required?
Asked by ibstubro | 23 responses -
What's the best way to give a secret gift?
Asked by coffeenut | 24 responses -
What do you need closure on?
Asked by charliecompany34 | 31 responses -
Where would you hide something if you didn't want it to be found?
Asked by AshLeigh | 29 responses -
Have you ever spent a really large amount of money without telling your partner about it? Were you able to keep it a secret? If you were found out, what were the consequences, if any?
Asked by Bluefreedom | 31 responses -
Do you ever think about writing a "open in the event of my death" letter?
Asked by adreamofautumn | 19 responses -
Have you ever wondered what dirt is in your past (details inside)?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 10 responses -
What are some things you will only buy with cash?
Asked by robmandu | 36 responses -
That time as a kid when you thought no one was looking, what did you do?
Asked by ucme | 10 responses -
What have you done with your deepest and darkest secrets?
Asked by msh from iPhone | 28 responses -
What is your favorite secret or off menu item at a popular restaurant?
Asked by SuperMouse | 11 responses -
What would you do, if your spouse(gf/bf)won $100,000 dollars and never told you?
Asked by john65pennington | 25 responses -
What are your nerdy secrets?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 9 responses -
Can you put your finger on exactly why it's so annoying when people you're with carry on endless text conversations with someone else?
Asked by Val123 | 20 responses -
For those of you that like to keep your family life separate from your internet life, how do you do it?
Asked by jonsblond | 52 responses