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Why does it seem that society seems to turn a blind eye on lesbianism but turns a baneful eye on homosexuality? -- Especially when porn is considered --?
Asked by Kraken | 65 responses -
(NSFW) For what same-sex celebrity would you give it up if you had the chance?
Asked by SmashTheState | 62 responses -
What do you imagine would be different about your life if you lived it in the body of a god or goddess?
Asked by dpworkin | 39 responses -
Is there a correlation between Myers-Briggs Type Indicator result and genitalia size? (NSFW)
Asked by bolwerk | 12 responses -
How did the entire world get the wrong idea of sex?
Asked by girlofscience | 24 responses -
Gentlemen, how do you feel about your significant other's enjoyment/use of porn?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 18 responses -
If you had the power to transform any animal of your choice into the sexiest person you could imagine, would you have sex with him/her?
Asked by SmashTheState | 44 responses -
What is it about certain girls that draws them to gay guys, and draws gay guys to them?
Asked by poofandmook | 21 responses -
[NSFW] Is it unusual that a males high sex drive remains as strong into his 30's as it was in his teens, without ever being curbed?
Asked by beautifulbobby193 | 14 responses -
What do people have against porn?
Asked by Draconess25 | 54 responses -
Isn't pleasure the primary reason people have sex despite what people say to the contrary?
Asked by easycharlie | 17 responses -
What are your thoughts about parents that throw their kids out of the house because they admit that they are gay or lesbian?
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 38 responses -
NSFW: How do I have this type of orgasm (read details)?
Asked by michaelangelo | 14 responses -
(Poss NSFW) What are your thoughts on the gendered aspects of body hair grooming?
Asked by jo_with_no_space | 58 responses -
When it comes to gender and sexuality, why are labels necessary?
Asked by prolificus | 25 responses -
Nsfw is there a difference between coming and orgasm for women?
Asked by iwillwearyouasahat | 31 responses -
NSFW Are women really not as visual as men?
Asked by sleepdoc | 31 responses -
Can a person have a fetish for a particular race?
Asked by upholstry | 40 responses -
Any thoughts on why a happily gay person would suddenly have several happy hetero dreams?
Asked by MissAnthrope | 32 responses -
Why should it matter if homosexuality is biological?
Asked by Rsam | 248 responses -
What is the difference between Bisexuality and Pansexuality?
Asked by filmfann | 70 responses -
Are the majority of heterosexual men likely to leave/stray if their partner loses their looks?
Asked by MrsDufresne | 29 responses -
Were the Roman views on sexuality enlightened or indulgent?
Asked by Fausnaught | 34 responses -
[NSFW]How do you kindly ask your boyfriend to trim his hair down there?
Asked by iluvyou | 49 responses -
[Rated PG] How do you determine your sexual/sensual ethics and boundaries?
Asked by prolificus from iPhone | 12 responses