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Where do I put my question if I don't care how someone chooses to answer it?
Asked by Vunessuh | 69 responses -
What are some songs you like to sing to your kids, or that you enjoyed as a kid?
Asked by ubersiren | 34 responses -
Want to share an inconsistency from the movies that drives you nuts?
Asked by SuperMouse | 27 responses -
What are the components of a good April Fools joke?
Asked by jlm11f | 21 responses -
Are you now or have you ever had a secret crush on another flutherite? (part deux)
Asked by Jude | 48 responses -
Do your local newspeople ever shock you with their moronic statements?
Asked by jealoustome | 11 responses -
Any thoughts on Utah's Climate Bill?
Asked by DeanV | 13 responses -
Are you a numbers person? Do you like order of numbers or symmetry in them?
Asked by autumn43 | 50 responses -
Where do flutherites go to ask dumb, or at least silly, questions?
Asked by Civic_Cat | 22 responses -
I think we should come up with a new title for what your kids should call your cousins. Any ideas?
Asked by Judi | 30 responses -
What song is the Alvin and the Chipmunks theme song based on?
Asked by curiouslillady21 | 8 responses -
Are you crazy?
Asked by wundayatta | 60 responses -
What is your best "Lifes most embarrassing moment" story?
Asked by Judi from iPhone | 20 responses -
When you feel bad, does it help to see someone who has a much worse problem?
Asked by YARNLADY | 21 responses -
Have you ever felt genuinely sad after shaving your beard?
Asked by timothykinney | 19 responses -
If a turtle ever loses it's shell, is it considered homeless? Or naked? And why?
Asked by Tink from iPhone | 38 responses -
If there were a Kitty Olympics in which event would you cat(s) win gold?
Asked by tinyfaery from iPhone | 45 responses -
Why, when you pet a cat from head to tail, do they lift up their little tookus' as your hand gets there?
Asked by row4food | 13 responses -
Does the E-Trade baby make you like babies less?
Asked by The_Compassionate_Heretic | 17 responses -
Portugal's drug legalization is a "resounding success". Would this work in America?
Asked by kenmc | 18 responses -
How to get FREE browser on wii ?
Asked by sandystrachan | 30 responses -
What's a silly thing you used to be afraid of as a young child?
Asked by Dansedescygnes | 43 responses -
Is it just me, or have health and safety gone over the top on food labels ?
Asked by sandystrachan | 14 responses -
How pathetic is it that I just bought my cat a leopard print bed with an attached face and tail?
Asked by NinaBeena | 9 responses -
Can you lift your finger?
Asked by TheFonz_is | 37 responses