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Is suicide really that bad?
Asked by AloraCrimson | 21 responses -
The Jelly Below Me, # 51?
Asked by ibstubro | 520 responses -
Does having no one to help you when you're unwell say more about you or the people around you?
Asked by DigitalBlue | 34 responses -
What do people over 40 talk about?
Asked by Haleth | 24 responses -
What will you do when we get hit from a solar flare or EMF technology and you lose all the electronic devices you now have?
Asked by JustmeAman | 65 responses -
How can individual members make fluther a better place?
Asked by escapedone7 | 31 responses -
Do you think it is okay for a married person to arrange to meet a colleague of the opposite sex alone outside work hours?
Asked by chinchin31 | 40 responses -
How to be welcoming and friendly to an exchange student without being cliché?
Asked by Chocobunni | 9 responses -
What types of answers on Fluther tend to annoy you?
Asked by Joker94 | 43 responses -
Have you ever interrupted someone because they started their sentence with "im not a racist, but..."?
Asked by poisonedantidote | 44 responses -
What does the expression "having your s*** together" mean to you?
Asked by mirifique | 24 responses -
Why do you think people make fun of others?
Asked by wundayatta | 21 responses -
Is it offensive for white girls to wear Chiapas?
Asked by Ikara from iPhone | 6 responses -
What is it with people who can't be alone?
Asked by flip86 | 32 responses -
Has a name been ruined for you?
Asked by VirgoGirl826 | 44 responses -
Why can't I find "my people"?
Asked by lostinyoureyes | 16 responses -
What is the nicest thing you've ever done for somebody?
Asked by Amazebyu from iPhone | 28 responses -
The Jelly Below Me (TJBM) #52. Are you this jelly?
Asked by Strauss | 516 responses -
(NSFW) Movie title game: What movie title describes your romantic life?
Asked by Blueroses | 63 responses -
Who are 3 people you'd like to meet (dead or alive)?
Asked by CBrennan15 | 45 responses -
If you were smart enough, would you join a high-IQ club?
Asked by Sorceren | 49 responses -
Have you loosened up, recently, as far as socializing with friends and family in your home or their homes?
Asked by jca2 | 21 responses -
How is the division made between General and Social?
Asked by SmashTheState | 23 responses -
Is it important to talk about yourself?
Asked by Sunshinegirl11 from iPhone | 13 responses -
I'd be perfect if I didn't...
Asked by seazen | 49 responses