social networking
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What do you when you forget the name of someone you just met, yet you have plans with them soon?
Asked by Blackberry | 11 responses -
Do you use Pinterest and if so, how?
Asked by janbb | 27 responses -
Do you know, or know of, any teens who do not participate in online social networking?
Asked by Jeruba | 21 responses -
What would a 50 year old man get out of emailing a underage girl?
Asked by Jude | 21 responses -
Did this woman (and her article in the Daily Mail) deserve such online hatred? See details inside.
Asked by OpryLeigh | 53 responses -
Do you feel the need to explain yourself?
Asked by Shippy | 17 responses -
Did this act warrant a jail sentence? See link inside.
Asked by OpryLeigh | 10 responses -
Past relationship status on facebook?
Asked by jehnstewart | 22 responses -
The 'no-response response' ; is this acceptable communication these days?
Asked by BluRhino | 13 responses -
Social networking sites question. Care to explain? (details inside).
Asked by MilkyWay | 4 responses -
What do you think of Facebook and this analogy?
Asked by whitecarnations | 10 responses -
How come when I try to "pin it" on Pinterest, my pins are not pinning?
Asked by jca | 11 responses -
Does anyone know where these images originated from?
Asked by cadetjoecool | 3 responses -
Are you ever worried about what you put out there on the internet (think potential jobs)
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 47 responses -
Do you find that email and social networking has made you less likely to pick up a phone or go speak to someone in person, and phone calls and live interaction has become somewhat laborous?
Asked by jca | 18 responses -
What mode(s) of banter are you good at?
Asked by wundayatta | 19 responses -
Is there anything on the internet that you do your best to avoid because it's upsetting?
Asked by Jude | 35 responses -
What do people get out of posting "I am about to go through my friend's list and will be getting rid of a few people" on Facbook?
Asked by Jude | 38 responses -
Does anybody know any ways to not get grounded?
Asked by pshizzle | 12 responses -
When someone uses a picture of their SO as their icon, what do you infer?
Asked by 6rant6 | 37 responses -
Is it possible to be friends with everyone?
Asked by IzzyAndHerBeans | 25 responses -
Which web community do you think is the worst?
Asked by BandanaMike | 19 responses -
What is the difference between moderation and mediation on question and answer sites?
Asked by talljasperman | 7 responses -
Does trolling a social website fall somewhere on the violation spectrum?
Asked by Blueroses | 14 responses -
What do you do when you get all worked up and want to rant about something, but don't have an appropriate outlet?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 38 responses