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Why are sexual relationships still biased in todays society?
Asked by Creena | 20 responses -
Where would you stand in this room?
Asked by Here2_4 | 36 responses -
How do I deal with under tipping my stylist?
Asked by chelle21689 from iPhone | 14 responses -
Why do groups of women that are friends seem to get pregnant all at once without planning together?
Asked by chelle21689 | 21 responses -
Fluther men: Do any of you dye your hair? Why or why not?
Asked by jca | 22 responses -
How do you deal with irresponsible employees without feeling bad?
Asked by chelle21689 from iPhone | 11 responses -
At what age do people typically start to believe that society is on the decline?
Asked by longgone | 21 responses -
Are you pro or against the death penalty and why?
Asked by flo | 118 responses -
Why do most men like grilling better than cooking in a kitchen?
Asked by chelle21689 from iPhone | 14 responses -
What major societal and government changes do you think we'll see in the next decade?
Asked by Blackberry | 33 responses -
Coworker annoyed at unused time on microwave, is it that serious?
Asked by chelle21689 from iPhone | 22 responses -
What's the most serious law you've broken?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 39 responses -
What are Finnish schools doing right and what are we doing wrong in the US?
Asked by rojo | 9 responses -
Has anyone else been on Fluther so long they forgot how nasty and rude other forums are?
Asked by Blackberry | 18 responses -
What could make my mom sick so long?
Asked by chelle21689 from iPhone | 25 responses -
How do you fight violence?
Asked by ninjacolin | 22 responses -
Is it ok to fire people over hate speech?
Asked by chelle21689 from iPhone | 25 responses -
Can someone explain the western United States' water shortage?
Asked by Blackberry | 27 responses -
Do Chinese people tattoo English words on their bodies?
Asked by rojo | 6 responses -
What can be done against bullying?
Asked by Berserker | 13 responses -
Would you rather be an established member of a community or would you prefer to remain anonymous?
Asked by nutallergy | 14 responses -
Should businesses be able to deny service to gays based on religion?
Asked by chelle21689 from iPhone | 27 responses -
Has a work of art ever changed your mind about anything important?
Asked by CugelTheClueless | 13 responses -
For flutherites over 50. Do you feel the older you get the more people feel they need to control your life?
Asked by Pandora | 12 responses -
Is it rude if everyone gets a discount at your dinner table except you?
Asked by chelle21689 from iPhone | 14 responses