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If there was no need of money, what would be the motivation for anyone to work?
Asked by The_Compassionate_Heretic | 48 responses -
Why do people say "don't discuss religion or politics?"?
Asked by Smashley | 40 responses -
Do you know any women like what is described in this article? Do you think it is accurate, or just bitterness?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 66 responses -
To what extent do you examine your particular struggles within a larger societal framework?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 33 responses -
Red sky: would you ever consider going on a one way trip to Mars?
Asked by fremen_warrior | 27 responses -
Female jellies: anyone here tried shaving all their hair off their head?
Asked by lifeflame | 18 responses -
Why is marijuana such a big deal with law enforcement?
Asked by Tenpinmaster | 57 responses -
Why don't we have intellect-star?
Asked by crazyivan | 32 responses -
Do you ever find yourself wondering if the stranger you just encountered is a fellow Flutherer?
Asked by SamIAm | 48 responses -
If you had no personal interest in the public education system, would you vote to increase taxes for education?
Asked by wundayatta | 66 responses -
Do you find religion to be a hinderance to the overall progress of a given society?
Asked by JamesL | 68 responses -
You Guyses?
Asked by trudacia | 42 responses -
How can you not look silly eating a muffin?
Asked by shogan | 16 responses -
Why do I feel like someone should save me ?
Asked by partyrock | 42 responses -
So I was thinking, how does it feel to be you?
Asked by Pazza | 23 responses -
Would it be reasonable to wear a noncompulsory uniform everyday?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 22 responses -
Do I look crazed, rapey, or dangerous?
Asked by SmashTheState | 130 responses -
What do you want to happen at a party?
Asked by wundayatta | 23 responses -
How do you respond to those who ask if you want kids?
Asked by chelle21689 from iPhone | 31 responses -
What else can we do?
Asked by hearkat | 21 responses -
Is pole dancing changing? (potentially NSFW)
Asked by linguaphile | 18 responses -
Does the fact that there are billions of lives happening all at once here amaze you?
Asked by Drush545 | 18 responses -
Why does Fluther seem more mature than other (most?) online communities?
Asked by Blackberry | 39 responses -
Are you drawn to anything that society might think of as dark or morbid?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 33 responses -
If your son or daughter told you they felt they should be the opposite sex, what would you say to them?
Asked by Ruki | 50 responses