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Where do you stand on marijuana legalization?
Asked by Joker94 | 90 responses -
Why do some people think its weird to be an Anglophile?
Asked by RockerChick14 from iPhone | 19 responses -
What do you think of couples who don't want children?
Asked by Charles | 37 responses -
How many kids are you capable of raising well?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 19 responses -
NSFW - Do you think future tech that could satisfy all our needs be bad for humanity?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 4 responses -
Do you remember a time when times were good?
Asked by Charles | 26 responses -
Is society materialistic?
Asked by cma123 | 15 responses -
Does materialism cause advertising? Or does advertising cause materialism?
Asked by cma123 | 10 responses -
Should "sex" be separated out of "social?"?
Asked by wundayatta | 67 responses -
NSFW Is there a way I can tell I am "loose" down there? What if the guy doesn't "measure up" down there? 2 part question?
Asked by partyrock | 35 responses -
Are you aware that President Obama signed the NDAA Law today?
Asked by Linda_Owl | 27 responses -
NSFW possibly. Should I wear fake eyelashes when on a date? 2 part question inside.
Asked by partyrock | 40 responses -
Are Americans proud of English?
Asked by oxemtuler | 15 responses -
Why is it that the holidays suddenly put people in a charitable mood?
Asked by Fly | 13 responses -
It seems like most of us are just going to follow the quintessential lifestyle, so why bother thinking of anything except this?
Asked by Blackberry | 29 responses -
What does "Do what thou wilt" mean ?
Asked by partyrock | 43 responses -
Do you know someone who is baffled by their inability to snag a long term partner, but the reasons are quite clear to you?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 133 responses -
How can eight U.S. troops be charged for negligent homicide and involuntary manslaughter, in relation to another troop member's suicide?
Asked by Deelon_Pearson | 23 responses -
Does manifesting your goals really help to achieve them?
Asked by partyrock | 7 responses -
For all you non-vegetarians out there, why is it good to eat some animals and not good to eat others?
Asked by Deelon_Pearson | 38 responses -
How did AIDS or HIV come about ? Where did AIDS come from?
Asked by partyrock | 12 responses -
How do I stop people from asking personal questions I don't want to answer?
Asked by partyrock | 37 responses -
When did dipping bread become uncool?
Asked by SmashTheState | 43 responses -
Does "thinking rich", carrying yourself like you are, and surrounding yourself with rich people make your richer?
Asked by partyrock | 19 responses -
Is our culture getting meaner?
Asked by SmashTheState | 29 responses