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Why do people have trouble distinguishing between disliking an idea, and disliking the person who has that idea?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 22 responses -
Who is the most famous person with whom you have a personal relationship?
Asked by SmashTheState | 56 responses -
If humans value life, what significance does another have for you?
Asked by whiteliondreams | 18 responses -
Why do you think some people instantly creep us out?
Asked by syz | 21 responses -
Why did couples really stay together in the "good old days"?
Asked by LeavesNoTrace | 25 responses -
Boston or Seattle? Which wins for overall quality of life?
Asked by guitarhero1983 | 20 responses -
Is it possible that crazy people are the normal ones?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 35 responses -
[NSFW] Can someone explain lust to me?
Asked by SmashTheState | 18 responses -
Restaurant, Coffee Shoppe, Coffee Shop or Cafe?
Asked by LornaLove | 11 responses -
Should you even date, if you are not in a place where you feel emotionally available?
Asked by Imadethisupwithnoforethought | 15 responses -
Who will society say it is fine to pick on next?
Asked by gemiwing | 45 responses -
Do you believe that the more advanced a society becomes, the more dependant it and its citizens become?
Asked by bossob | 19 responses -
Knowledge of surveillance creates self-censorship. Is this why Fluther has become an echo chamber?
Asked by SmashTheState | 70 responses -
What topic or issue do you wish more people were knowledgeable about?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 38 responses -
What causes unwanted negative thoughts and how to stop them?
Asked by chelle21689 | 17 responses -
Would legalizing gay and lesbian marriage under the notion that equality is for all open a can of worms?
Asked by dreamwolf | 38 responses -
Do you (feel) you belong to a certain group?
Asked by rebbel | 12 responses -
Do the demographics of Fluther skew white and middle class?
Asked by SmashTheState | 39 responses -
What does the future augur for Western democracy and capitalism?
Asked by atlantis | 20 responses -
What are some archaic practices/beliefs still used in modern society?
Asked by DThorn | 46 responses -
How do differences in belief systems affect your friendships?
Asked by essieness | 73 responses -
Does the wide availability of pharmaceutical drugs contribute to a decline in personal accountability?
Asked by Blueroses | 23 responses -
Why have so many kids?
Asked by syz | 28 responses -
Can a human society function to a reasonable standard without some manner of currency?
Asked by Nially_Bob | 31 responses -
Can Extroverts and Introverts accept one another and successfully coexist in our society?
Asked by Unbroken | 26 responses