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Can you create an entertaining and/or dramatic allegory which describes Fluther's social milieu?
Asked by SmashTheState | 44 responses -
How does a skeptical person manage to avoid Arrogance ?
Asked by Odysseus | 29 responses -
Are you an adult?
Asked by Blueroses | 38 responses -
Men, when you notice that a woman has colored her hair, do your feelings about her change?
Asked by wundayatta | 75 responses -
Africans, buses, and seat sharing: cultural phenomenon?
Asked by SmashTheState | 18 responses -
Did anyone see the videos of the UFO in Jerusalem?
Asked by Summum | 35 responses -
What portion of the population is gay?
Asked by wundayatta | 11 responses -
Where is Max Weber on the political compass?
Asked by weeveeship | 7 responses -
Wouldn't nutritional counseling benefit EBT users?
Asked by Blueroses | 11 responses -
[NSFW] Can someone explain lust to me?
Asked by SmashTheState | 18 responses -
The scientist and the party girl -- anybody recognize this science fiction story?
Asked by submariner | 3 responses -
Who is the most famous person with whom you have a personal relationship?
Asked by SmashTheState | 56 responses -
Why do people commit vandalism?
Asked by SmashTheState | 32 responses -
To older people, do you regret the way you treated your parents when you were younger?
Asked by jabag11 | 30 responses -
How do you go about designing a syllabus?
Asked by answerjill | 12 responses -
Any psychologist or sociologist in the house? Question related to bullying.
Asked by mindful | 5 responses -
Question for NYC residents, where are prime locations for a date?
Asked by blackclouds2002 | 6 responses -
Why is it weird when you look into someone's eyes too long?
Asked by Blackberry | 9 responses -
How did jail affect you?
Asked by jabag11 | 18 responses -
Do you agree that the older you get, the faster time flies?
Asked by jabag11 | 37 responses -
Do you agree with these quote?
Asked by jabag11 | 13 responses -
Have any of you awakened the Kundalini within you?
Asked by Summum | 28 responses -
Who/what is/has been your biggest inspiration in life?
Asked by vocalthoughts | 18 responses -
How do you deal with people who constantly yell instead of talk in a rational voice?
Asked by hotgirl67 | 19 responses -
What are your biggest regrets in life?
Asked by jabag11 | 14 responses