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What's so special about salt and pepper?
Asked by ben | 156 responses -
Do spices have an expiration date? What about baking powder and soda?
Asked by sjg102379 | 9 responses -
Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
Asked by VoodooLogic | 17 responses -
Are Scoville numbers constant, or do they increase/decrease over time and with heating/cooling?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 3 responses -
Propagating a stevia plant -- possible? Desirable?
Asked by SmashTheState | 4 responses -
What is your favorite herb/spice?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 49 responses -
Why do cloves cost so much?
Asked by Rude_Bear | 11 responses -
What's your garden plan this year?
Asked by jaytkay | 18 responses -
Have you ever tasted a hint of cinnamon in pasta? Spaghetti?
Asked by pallen123 | 22 responses -
What is the appeal of painfully spicy food?
Asked by nikipedia | 15 responses -
Do you have a large collection of spices? How do you store them?
Asked by keobooks | 31 responses -
Why is Ron Paul so popular?
Asked by Leminnes | 14 responses -
Does anyone know how you make a tamarind sauce?
Asked by chian | 6 responses -
Why do I feel a response to certain "heat" in my scalp?
Asked by syz | 5 responses -
How old are the spices in your pantry? Are they weeks, months, years or, possibly, decades old?
Asked by lillycoyote | 13 responses -
Do you think cooking is a spirtual act?
Asked by aphilotus | 37 responses -
In western cooking, salt and pepper are considered the standard seasoning. What combination of spices is considered the standard in other cultures?
Asked by ragingloli | 7 responses -
Is there anything that salt doesn't make taste better?
Asked by 12Oaks | 44 responses -
What do you do when you order food (delivery) and it's too spicy?
Asked by SamIAm | 24 responses -
Recipes that work for steak and chicken?
Asked by Violet | 31 responses -
Why is salt bad for you, and pepper not?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 9 responses -
Old Bay Recipes for an electric pressure cooker?
Asked by metadog | 3 responses -
Who's your favorite Spice Girl?
Asked by lrk | 28 responses -
What kind of herbs and spices do you use? fresh, cheap or ...
Asked by jazmina88 | 27 responses -
Anyone care to mark the passing of chef Paul Prudhomme, celebrity chef who took Cajun cookin' mainstream?
Asked by ibstubro | 6 responses