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Is there such thing as vocation?
Asked by lifeflame | 13 responses -
Interested in Jesus?
Asked by busse | 50 responses -
Have you ever had an epiphany that led you towards or turned you away from spirituality?
Asked by AstroChuck from iPhone | 14 responses -
New agey book recommendation for a book about communication in the business/professional realm?
Asked by emilyrose | 12 responses -
If you use the Franklin Covey time management system, how do you' sharpen your saw'?
Asked by chaddq | 2 responses -
What has been the most growing experiance for you thus far in life?
Asked by judochop | 21 responses -
Which candidate will capture the Amish vote and will it turn the election?
Asked by trainerboy | 13 responses -
what the bleep do we know?
Asked by ironhiway | 4 responses -
How to reach out in Colorado?
Asked by ishotthesheriff | 1 response -
Who was the spirit gjoub?
Asked by tammy444 | 3 responses -
What is the noblest way to live one's life?
Asked by deepseas72 from iPhone | 19 responses -
How can I (or any of us) overcome a love for worldly posessions?
Asked by Conrad_III | 9 responses -
What are some of the ways God has shown his love for you?
Asked by Conrad_III | 21 responses -
Does god have feet?
Asked by lion610 | 13 responses -
Are you ready to wake up? Do you consider yourself awake? Please explain how you are striving to find/connect with your higher self.
Asked by macguff from iPhone | 7 responses -
What's the objective 1) meaning &/or 2) value of human life, if any?
Asked by Krnt2007 | 20 responses