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Is your son/daughter participating in a sporting activity?
Asked by creative1 | 15 responses -
Non-Britons. What did you make of the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony?
Asked by lloydbird | 22 responses -
Does the list of best paid Olympic athletes affect your enjoyment of those athletes or the games they play at all?
Asked by wundayatta | 6 responses -
Have you ever scuba dived?
Asked by Earthgirl | 8 responses -
Penn State: Why are the officials who knew and did nothing not prosecuted?
Asked by flo | 46 responses -
What kind of games appeal to and what kind do you despise?
Asked by wundayatta | 17 responses -
Anyone here into cycling for exercise? Any tips that you could give me?
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 15 responses -
Should there be Olympic events based on modern sports?
Asked by LostInParadise | 7 responses -
What professions require people to be in excellent physical condition?
Asked by talljasperman | 19 responses -
Do you think it's bad sportsmanship to publicly cry if you lose in the final?
Asked by harple | 23 responses -
NBA finals this year - they've just begun - and man oh man am I excited - got fever?
Asked by zensky | 13 responses -
How fit are you?
Asked by zensky | 41 responses -
What effects do power drinks have on the body?
Asked by MilkyWay | 13 responses -
What is the worst example of pushy parenting you have witnessed?
Asked by OpryLeigh | 16 responses -
Do you enjoy testing yourself/pushing your limits?
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 25 responses -
What is the correct way to describe this type of physical/sports training?
Asked by pallen123 | 1 response -
Are you ready for Cinco de Mayo, Cinco Day Drinko, the Kentucky Derby and the Super Moon, all in one day?
Asked by jca | 36 responses -
What is the best way to take up surfing? How many professional sessions are actually needed?
Asked by zensky | 8 responses -
What are some innocent signs of deeper personality conflicts?
Asked by wundayatta | 26 responses -
The Olympics are about to start up here in the UK? Does anyone really care?
Asked by ro_in_motion | 20 responses -
Chiropractor vs. Physical Therapist, which is better for my condition?
Asked by chelle21689 | 13 responses -
How does one get into umping, refereeing?
Asked by JonnyCeltics | 6 responses -
Why aren't women respected in sports?
Asked by chelle21689 | 48 responses -
What type of psychologist studies sensory input, learning, and movement?
Asked by pallen123 | 2 responses -
Does violence follow football?
Asked by Mat74UK | 20 responses