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Why would you call someone stupid?
Asked by AmWiser | 44 responses -
What are some movies that you regret seeing?
Asked by helkie | 40 responses -
What is the absolute dumbest thing you've seen on the interwebs recently?
Asked by Rarebear | 17 responses -
I asked my cousin if he was gay today. It didn't go well. What should I do now?
Asked by ubersiren | 80 responses -
Can using sunscreen AFTER you're burned help relieve the pain?
Asked by SundayKittens | 9 responses -
Where's the weirdest place you've left your phone?
Asked by lexiilectric | 32 responses -
Slept from 3pm-8:30pm... what do I do now?
Asked by poofandmook | 14 responses -
Where can I find some (at best) unreliable statistics?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 35 responses -
Why does my external monitor do this?
Asked by Fred931 | 6 responses -
What film did you leave the theatre, or take back to the video store, before the credits started rolling?
Asked by Vunessuh | 39 responses -
Why are there stupid laws in some states?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 18 responses -
What makes a question deserve a "GREAT QUESTION" ?
Asked by nope | 16 responses -
Can we PLEASE have a STUPID ANSWER button? Right next to the "Great Answer" button.
Asked by nope | 93 responses -
Why do people judge other people by the clothing they wear?
Asked by DominicX | 44 responses -
I left my oven on and am now at work. Do I need to go home to turn it off?
Asked by girlofscience | 29 responses -
When you read questions on Fluther, do you find yourself popping off quick sarcastic answers in your mind before really thinking the question through?
Asked by ptarnbsn | 17 responses -
Why do parents let their kids wear shorts to school when it's under 40 degrees Fahrenheit outside?
Asked by theichibun | 25 responses -
What do you think of the term "straight acting" in reference to a gay person?
Asked by DominicX | 20 responses -
Why do some people underestimate you without even knowing that they are doing it?
Asked by polycinco | 33 responses -
How was it possible for me to snap the bone in my big toe last night without noticing at the time?
Asked by TheJoker | 12 responses -
What does an inconsistently recurring dream-setting indicate?
Asked by absalom | 8 responses -
Uh... are skorts back?
Asked by kevbo from iPhone | 25 responses -
What's the stupidest thing you've done to injure yourself?
Asked by 6rant6 | 57 responses -
What should be done to people that answer questions on Fluther with single line answers suggesting the use of Google?
Asked by Futomara | 16 responses -
Tiger Woods: Who Cares?
Asked by poofandmook | 66 responses