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If your son or daughter told you they felt they should be the opposite sex, what would you say to them?
Asked by Ruki | 50 responses -
Ever considered suicide? Why?
Asked by ChaosCross | 12 responses -
How many times would you deal with someone like this?
Asked by Shield_of_Achilles | 26 responses -
Have you ever had to deal with a friend's/family member's/acquaintance's suicide?
Asked by Frankie | 11 responses -
Why does my best friend think about killing himself?
Asked by WCUBassBone1 | 12 responses -
Thoughts of suicide?
Asked by Tink from iPhone | 74 responses -
Did you ever consider using the threat of suicide to express your anger at someone else?
Asked by wundayatta | 30 responses -
Should insurance policies permit suicide under certain circumstances?
Asked by fundevogel | 17 responses -
What are the signs that someone who has given up...
Asked by Jude | 50 responses -
Do you think euthanasia should be available to humans?
Asked by Sophief | 23 responses -
I have an ex-friend who has placed a huge responsibility on me and has blamed me for her suicide attempts. What should I do?
Asked by AnonymousWoman | 24 responses -
(Pick your poison) How do you wish to die?
Asked by Corporate_Avenger | 81 responses -
Why is suicide against the law?
Asked by faye | 35 responses -
Is the U2 song "Stuck in A Moment" an effective argument against suicide?
Asked by forceps | 3 responses -
In the movie "25th Hour" why doesn't the Ed Norton character kill himself instead of going to prison?
Asked by colliedog | 6 responses -
Is it likely that someone could have depression for a long time and just have it go away on it's own?
Asked by Justnice from iPhone | 10 responses -
Should a deployed soldier that commits suicide get a letter of condolence from the President?
Asked by madsmom1030 | 32 responses -
The tragic suicide of Germany's best goalgetter - How can we change the public image of mental disorders?
Asked by mattbrowne | 39 responses -
What do you think could be done to put an end to mass shootings in the USA?
Asked by SpatzieLover | 58 responses -
Is it ok to kick someone out of your home after they try to kill themself?
Asked by jobe | 55 responses -
Suicide. Act of cowardice or braveness?
Asked by deepdivercwa55m | 34 responses -
How can I rebuild my life?
Asked by alex94123 | 23 responses -
How do you feel about a living will being used to refuse treatment in a suicide?
Asked by augustlan | 55 responses -
Why do people write suicide notes?
Asked by astrakan | 18 responses -
Where does the impulse to "sweep it under the rug" come from? Is this a helpful impulse?
Asked by wundayatta | 11 responses