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Do you fully appreciate your talents, however small?
Asked by ucme | 9 responses -
Music nowadays sucks, because MANY young people music taste nowadays sucks?
Asked by niki | 21 responses -
Do you have a recipe so good that it deserves to be tattooed on you so you don't forget it?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 36 responses -
Epony had a great idea; "What if Fluther teamed up with Threadless to do a "Design a Fluther" shirt?" Would still love to see that happen. Anyone interested in contributing a design?
Asked by Jude | 23 responses -
Any good, useful drawing websites?
Asked by blueberry_kid | 10 responses -
Is there a physical difference in a persons throat that makes them have a good singing voice?
Asked by rpm_pseud0name | 23 responses -
If there were to be a talent contest in your area, how would you impress the locals, or indeed perhaps repel?
Asked by ucme | 9 responses -
What to do if I have big talent & passion in music, yet I am lazy, confused, and scared too much?
Asked by niki | 24 responses -
What do you do when you have a strong urge to make something creatively, but you're not good at the artistic form?
Asked by ubersiren | 20 responses -
Does superior "genes" make talented people?
Asked by TogoldorMandar | 10 responses -
When people around you don't have faith in your idea. From where you get motivation to just do it anyway?
Asked by Ranimi23 | 26 responses -
What was the most technically talented band of all time?
Asked by Arp | 35 responses -
Any ideas on how to improve my cello vibrato?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 10 responses -
An Olympian or a concert musician - they had the talent and the discipline to go all the way - could you have?
Asked by Zen_Again | 16 responses -
Is there any art in your home that was done by either yourself or someone you know & how does this improve your home?
Asked by ucme | 33 responses -
Are there any budding poets out there?
Asked by ucme | 28 responses -
What can I do for a two minute talent show?
Asked by dazedandconfused | 23 responses -
How do your self-doubts express themselves?
Asked by wundayatta | 36 responses -
If you were to break a world record, which would it be?
Asked by gymnastchick729 | 19 responses -
What is something you have never been able to do no matter how hard you tried doing it?
Asked by Cruiser | 94 responses -
Have you ever read a book that scared you so much you either couldnt finish reading it or just had to finish reading it?
Asked by zookeeny | 43 responses -
Do you think talent is innate or learned?
Asked by Gokey | 28 responses -
What activity are you a natural at?
Asked by jonsblond | 74 responses -
What are you greatly talented at?
Asked by kyle94481 | 47 responses -
Thanks to our image obsessed society, is it possible for anyone to become famous for talent and not just an image?
Asked by hookecho | 16 responses