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How do you know if you have an oral fixation?
Asked by Facade | 19 responses -
How do i whiten my teeth at home?
Asked by howto | 7 responses -
Tell me what you know about teeth whitening?
Asked by jaketheripper | 9 responses -
What will happen if I stop using toothpaste?
Asked by gunther | 17 responses -
What does the Tooth Fairy give for a tooth these days?
Asked by jonsblond | 94 responses -
Has anyone actually had all their wisdom teeth come in and not need to be taken out?
Asked by Steverpeeps | 29 responses -
How can I stop clenching my jaw?
Asked by rowenaz | 6 responses -
My teeth are rotten and nearly gone. I would like implants but they cost around $1000 per tooth. I have about $3000 ... What can I do (USA)
Asked by onemorego | 12 responses -
Since we lose our baby teeth so young, does it mean that we are living far beyond the age we were originally meant to?
Asked by ubersiren | 20 responses -
Do expired crest whitening strips still work?
Asked by MrGV | 8 responses -
Ok, so i just noticed that my mouth and teeth are not as clean as i would like them to be, what can i do to help them to look clean without having to go to the dentist?
Asked by 2late2be | 29 responses -
Will you feel pain under IV (intravenous) sedation?
Asked by mozartpena | 21 responses -
What do you think about when you brush your teeth?
Asked by Trustinglife from iPhone | 30 responses -
Does regular peroxide really whiten teeth?
Asked by kelly8906 | 5 responses -
Anybody tried Z-Quiet or similar mouthpiece?
Asked by soethe6 | 12 responses -
Is drinking diet soda bad for the teeth?
Asked by Vinifera7 | 12 responses -
Is it bad to brush with water after brushing your teeth or rinse with water after using Listerine?
Asked by TitsMcGhee | 7 responses -
When is it necessary to get your wisdom teeth removed?
Asked by Rememberme | 11 responses -
Help! My nose was running yesterday, ears hurt, and teeth started to ache; what is it?
Asked by janbb | 10 responses -
At what age should kids start brushing their teeth?
Asked by marauder76 | 21 responses -
What do dentists do if a patient needs a tooth implant and they are allergic to all metals?
Asked by missjena from iPhone | 19 responses -
After surgically removing 3 wisdom teeth, it is excrutiatingly painful when i put on my retainer, why?
Asked by The_Inquisitor | 14 responses -
After surgically removing 3 wisdom teeth, how should i go about eating?
Asked by The_Inquisitor | 13 responses -
Would you use expired toothpaste?
Asked by casheroo | 21 responses -
How did you feel the day after you got braces?
Asked by LouisianaGirl | 17 responses