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Jellies with mental illness: How do you stay stable?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 19 responses -
What would you do if you found out your child had been molested?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 24 responses -
How have you overcome really old psychological injuries?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 18 responses -
What yoga exercises are good for your knees?
Asked by Steve_A | 4 responses -
My 21-month-old granddaughter walks on her knees?
Asked by nina | 12 responses -
How do you Motivate yourself after you've had a Bad Day ?
Asked by Scarlett | 26 responses -
What's the difference between "pet therapy" and just hanging out next to an animal?
Asked by Kraigmo | 6 responses -
Therapists crossing boundaries?
Asked by stardust | 16 responses -
What does it take to give psychological advice?
Asked by jazmina88 | 24 responses -
Why do I think about suicide but won't do it?
Asked by SomeFlutheriteAnonymized | 22 responses -
Will these couple's therapy session make things worse?
Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 from iPhone | 61 responses -
What groups would be interested in a Buddhist-inspired book on coping with illness (for the chronically ill and their caregivers)?
Asked by erniefernandez | 21 responses -
Where would you place yourself on the meds--therapy spectrum for treatment of mental illness?
Asked by wundayatta | 70 responses -
When a spouse refuses to share the work of fixing a relationship, what can you do to get them involved?
Asked by wundayatta | 17 responses -
Why are some (most?) men reluctant to go into couples counseling when their relationships aren't working?
Asked by wundayatta | 24 responses -
Does productive therapy require therapist/patient transference?
Asked by tinyfaery | 14 responses -
[NSFW?] How do you sublimate your desires?
Asked by 6rant6 | 33 responses -
How do you deal with maternal/paternal issues? (details inside)
Asked by stardust | 25 responses -
I'm in a rut ... any advice on seeking a life coach?
Asked by SamIAm | 14 responses -
How do you feel about psychoanalysis?
Asked by Flavio | 33 responses -
Does anyone have any experience with "conscious discipline"?
Asked by knitfroggy | 2 responses -
Could I ask you guys your experiences with medication on bipolar/depression?
Asked by Just_Justine | 22 responses -
Have not been Able to Fully Bend knees since year 2000, Is it good to keep Trying or dangerous?
Asked by joscketSeper | 6 responses -
Do you feel like your therapist judges you?
Asked by wundayatta | 18 responses -
Should I go to a psychologist again?
Asked by bizzzzmarkie | 28 responses