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Do your dreams tend to have a prevailing theme?
Asked by jca2 | 4 responses -
How do we learn to separate the action from the actor?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 19 responses -
What are some careers/jobs in which you are paid to think?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 17 responses -
Have you ever tried to solve a problem by having a written dialog with yourself?
Asked by LostInParadise | 5 responses -
What does playing a lot of video game/s do to your intelligence? See detail.
Asked by chefl | 6 responses -
Who is Pete?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 25 responses -
How does the human brain do math?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 7 responses -
If communication through language hadn't occurred in the evolution of men, would there have been thought?
Asked by rebbel | 16 responses -
When does being "open-minded" become a problem?
Asked by Demosthenes | 15 responses -
Can participating in Fluther be considered as a volunteer position or as a missionary, for its own religion ?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 5 responses -
How do they know what you're thinking and fine/ jail you where there is no freedom of thought?
Asked by flo | 11 responses -
Do you often spend precious time thinking deeply/philosophizing?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 14 responses -
What does the term in the psychology related magazine stand for? See detail.
Asked by flo | 6 responses -
How can I be a great thinker?
Asked by dopeguru | 11 responses -
What view do you have in regard to the following statement?
Asked by Inspired_2write | 7 responses -
What will happen if I attempt to swap chips in two identical voice memo recorders?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 8 responses -
Are you quiet and often live inside your head?
Asked by idream3r | 5 responses -
How are these two things similar? (Redux: want to play a game of similarity?)
Asked by Soubresaut | 60 responses -
Blog Idea?
Asked by MohJayy | 10 responses -
Does someone have to show a permit when asked if they have one?
Asked by idream3r | 5 responses -
Do you find this counter-intuitive?
Asked by LostInParadise | 23 responses -
How to forgive and forget your Past Mistakes?
Asked by idream3r | 6 responses -
How do people become so cold, cruel and evil?
Asked by idream3r | 11 responses -
How to control your anger when playing sports?
Asked by 5starskillaz | 4 responses -
I Don't Care About Anything, Anymore? Ever felt that way?
Asked by skip2mylou | 8 responses