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Do you keep your Christmas tree lit?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 29 responses -
I recently picked some pecans from the tree in my garden. What have you picked from your garden, lately?
Asked by zensky | 27 responses -
Boring question #59: How many of those wooden stir sticks does the average Starbucks Coffee place run through?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 12 responses -
What is your favorite kind of tree?
Asked by Tachys | 28 responses -
What is this tree?
Asked by Mariah | 12 responses -
Why is there such a thing as an evergreen tree with brown/dry areas?
Asked by flo | 20 responses -
Is it better to plant a fruit tree in the fall or in the spring?
Asked by Strauss | 25 responses -
Are Box Elder trees a good fuel source for wood stoves?
Asked by DaphneT | 7 responses -
Do some individual orange trees produce particularly delicious oranges?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 7 responses -
What type of tree is growing in my backyard?
Asked by PhiNotPi | 19 responses -
Would seasonal trees last all year if the weather permitted it?
Asked by buckyboy28 | 8 responses -
"I just love the asphalt in this city; the color, the sound it makes when you drive on it, even the smell!" Who could have said this? [Details inside].
Asked by rebbel | 8 responses -
Does Flora(l) abuse exist?
Asked by rebbel | 12 responses -
How tall should a tree be?
Asked by filmfann | 47 responses -
How do you identify male and female trees?
Asked by livingchoice | 6 responses -
How do trees heal?
Asked by Zyx | 5 responses -
Transplanting a tree across north-south hemispheres?
Asked by Charles | 7 responses -
What do you decorate your Christmas Tree with and why?
Asked by InkyAnn | 23 responses -
What kind of tree is this?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 40 responses -
What kind of tree is this?
Asked by Skaggfacemutt | 8 responses -
I'm getting my first real Christmas tree this year! What do I need to know?
Asked by SamIAm | 20 responses -
Is this a good idea for getting rid of leaves?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 18 responses -
Where to Purchase a Bodhi tree?
Asked by Mexicanamerican from iPhone | 9 responses -
Compost problem with walnut?
Asked by Anatelostaxus | 6 responses -
If you were reincarnated and told you could come back as anything except human, what would you want to be?
Asked by Meego from iPhone | 43 responses