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Will you teach me something new?
Asked by JLeslie | 117 responses -
A - Z Occupations?
Asked by AmWiser | 440 responses -
Can you share with us some obscure knowledge?
Asked by kruger_d | 71 responses -
What is your daily useless piece of knowledge?
Asked by TheProfoundPorcupine | 35 responses -
What happens when one gets arrested by a horse cop?
Asked by andrew | 13 responses -
What historical fact surprised you when you learned of it?
Asked by PandoraBoxx | 19 responses -
As of this writing, I have 12345 lurve. Is there anything more perfect?
Asked by ibstubro | 36 responses -
What is your favourite random, mostly useless, fact?
Asked by OpryLeigh | 62 responses -
How philosophical do you get about daily, mundane trivial issues?
Asked by zensky | 24 responses -
What purpose does Facebook serve when one uses it for an hour by hour diary?
Asked by gailcalled | 33 responses -
What mechanisms or metabolisms do animals use to survive outdoors when the temperature is 10° below zero?
Asked by ibstubro | 9 responses -
What's your favourite piece of movie trivia?
Asked by johnwodden | 28 responses -
The average woman, over her life, will have 110 of what?
Asked by extolsmith | 22 responses -
Road trip from coast to coast, at least five nights, you may pick two or three celebrities, musicians, actors, or perhaps famous race drivers?
Asked by zenzen | 17 responses -
Do you know of any fun, useless trivia you would like to share?
Asked by chyna | 46 responses -
Care to play the obscure reference game?
Asked by cookieman from iPhone | 91 responses -
Trivial Pursuit #3 (which means you can't Google!): What are the five largest countries on Earth by population?
Asked by Call_Me_Jay | 29 responses -
What random piece of information do you know that might help others?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 29 responses -
Can you name some things that get blown?
Asked by AmWiser | 57 responses -
Where can I buy Sulfur Hexaflouride?
Asked by Foolaholic | 16 responses -
How do you survive a sinking ship?
Asked by PriceisRightx26 | 9 responses -
How many leaders of countries other than your own can you name? Heads of state?
Asked by ibstubro | 34 responses -
What's your favourite item of movie trivia?
Asked by richardhenry | 40 responses -
Very arcane, possibly impossible to answer movie question.
Asked by dalepetrie | 35 responses -
What gets your knickers in a twist?
Asked by wundayatta | 50 responses