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What is the best way to stop world hunger?
Asked by skadu | 26 responses -
How do you get someone to be more open with you?
Asked by kayyyyleigh from iPhone | 10 responses -
I need advice about how to open up to people?
Asked by Soubresaut | 15 responses -
What is "faith"?
Asked by invic | 51 responses -
Are there any subjects that you do not get into on Fluther?
Asked by RareDenver | 23 responses -
What's the difference between a "personal boundary" and a "putting up a wall"?
Asked by aprilsimnel | 10 responses -
Do you trust your gut instincts?
Asked by Justnice from iPhone | 16 responses -
How much do you value your "gut" instincts?
Asked by ubersiren | 49 responses -
How do people stay in a relationship with a person who has emotionally hurt them so badly but continue to want to be with them?
Asked by missjena | 22 responses -
How do I get my girl friends parents to let us hang out again?
Asked by intro24 | 192 responses -
Lies, lies, lies...How can I avoid them?
Asked by deepdivercwa55m | 17 responses -
Ive been bitten by my own dog and need to know how to respond?
Asked by peekaboosmommy | 19 responses -
Would you mind if your boyfriend constantly allowed other women to borrow his car?
Asked by joni1977 | 37 responses -
What would you say if your SO wanted passwords to access all your communications?
Asked by wundayatta | 81 responses -
Who is the greatest "truth seeker" of our time?
Asked by seVen | 43 responses -
How can I show the one I love that they can trust me again?
Asked by oatmeal1642 | 24 responses -
How could somebody prove to you that they're from the future?
Asked by Sarcasm | 33 responses -
How do blind individuals handle cash?
Asked by dee1313 | 12 responses -
Do you trust your boss?
Asked by Mamradpivo from iPhone | 16 responses -
If Google opened a commercial bank, would you open an account with them?
Asked by osmoticgouger | 17 responses -
Since life, as it is sold to us, demands that we buy into a proven system of success, why then, do all of the awesome accomplishments in life always appear to be ultimately based upon a leap of faith?
Asked by FB | 7 responses -
How to get your partner to trust you?
Asked by James17555 | 11 responses -
How would you feel if your partner wanted to take a trip with a member of the opposite sex?
Asked by lucyrandom | 47 responses -
Should I stay or should I go?
Asked by Achilles | 71 responses -
For the married couples here on Fluther, a question about communication between spouses and their parents.
Asked by Bluefreedom | 22 responses