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Why women prefer to wear jeans instead of skirt?.
Asked by Your_Majesty | 77 responses -
What will you do if your friend insult you from behind?.
Asked by Your_Majesty | 23 responses -
In your opinion, Where would you find the truth of the universe?
Asked by babaji | 26 responses -
What will you do if a child(looks pity) standing at your front door and asking for some money?
Asked by Your_Majesty | 34 responses -
Will you share your meal/drink on the same plate/glass with your friend?.
Asked by Your_Majesty | 43 responses -
Will you expect me to pay/replace if I accidentally break something in your house?
Asked by Your_Majesty | 47 responses -
How much do you trust the news media?
Asked by Polly_Math | 27 responses -
Do you entertain BS to keep the peace or stick with fact & truth no matter what?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 24 responses -
Why are child genuis only revealed to the world once they are older? Why are their earlier extraodinary developments never really recorded eg child started talking age 4months etc?
Asked by zookeeny | 23 responses -
Is it possible that this is a Phisher email?
Asked by Axemusica | 12 responses -
If you were guaranteed honest answers to three specific questions, of whom would you ask them and which three questions would you ask?
Asked by Rufus_T_Firefly | 6 responses -
I need some advice about my daughter and her belief of Santa Clause. Please help me?
Asked by Narl | 36 responses -
Are there things you've sworn you would never do and then ended up doing them anyway?
Asked by avvooooooo | 21 responses -
What are some movies that provide true insight into a job or situation?
Asked by laureth | 24 responses -
Is there something you're really embarrassed about that you wish you could tell people?
Asked by wundayatta | 19 responses -
Are we living in a delusion as it pertains to the word safe?
Asked by Landonscranton | 8 responses -
What are your opinions on telling your children that you buy their Christmas presents as opposed to telling them Santa Claus brings them...
Asked by nebule | 86 responses -
Do you have a friend you only keep because of pity?
Asked by pinkparaluies | 19 responses -
Ever spend a day just telling the truth?
Asked by NewZen | 19 responses -
How much do you value your "gut" instincts?
Asked by ubersiren | 49 responses -
Are snapple facts true?
Asked by sarah45654 | 21 responses -
Are you credulous?
Asked by gussnarp | 24 responses -
How can fiction lead us to truth?
Asked by shrubbery | 25 responses -
Why doesn't the Prophet ever fortell anything good?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 22 responses -
What is Proof?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 85 responses