video editing
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Best Video Camera??? (under $75)
Asked by haleyray07 | 3 responses -
When filming a video, does the camera go in front or behind the light source?
Asked by cecilia09 | 7 responses -
Problem: Camcorder mini dvds & macbook pro can't play them?
Asked by targetintellect | 9 responses -
How do I create a video that combines a song with scenes from a movie?
Asked by MrsDufresne | 10 responses -
Why doesn't YouTube/Google Video post full videos?
Asked by DarlingRhadamanthus | 5 responses -
Can someone recommend a program to convert time lapse images to a movie?
Asked by Bill1939 | 2 responses -
Is it legal to ask to compare mediainfos about 2 specific files without posting links of any pirated content or mentioning the name of the release?
Asked by luigirovatti | 9 responses -
How do I use Adobe Premiere to edit videos?
Asked by xxporkxsodaxx | 1 response -
How do I use Handbrake and/or VirtualDub?
Asked by Jack79 | 9 responses -
Can you recommend a FREE non-linear video editor program for Windows 7?
Asked by jerv | 3 responses -
Clean vectors in Adobe Premiere 5.5?
Asked by metadog | 1 response -
How would you convert .mts files into smaller h264-files - keeping the same file structure?
Asked by NomadMario | 1 response -
Anyone know if Flip video is compatible with other editing packages and if so which ones?
Asked by marinelife | 0 responses -
For the Adobe Premier Jedi. After importing a video can I delete the original file from my harddrive?
Asked by drClaw | 2 responses -
Tips & Advice: TFT-LCD vs. LED pc monitors?
Asked by martijn86 | 6 responses -
What is the fastest way to convert a video to ipod format?
Asked by drpoop | 9 responses -
What is a good book on basic video editing?
Asked by N0name | 2 responses -
What Animation Software does Kitboga Use?
Asked by jamestec | 1 response -
When a pro video team is recording video, what is hapening on the Mac laptop they have plugged into the camera?
Asked by metadog | 5 responses -
What do people think of this video camera?
Asked by cage | 1 response -
How can I edit videos on my blackberry storm?
Asked by valdasta | 3 responses -
How can I cheaply change an HDMI signal to a component (YPbPr) signal?
Asked by fortris | 10 responses -
What song is originally in this video?
Asked by itsnotmyfault1 | 18 responses -
What is this video editing effect?
Asked by trumi | 2 responses -
Is the footage of this sniper reenacted on the History channel or actual?
Asked by valdasta | 7 responses