video games
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What makes a good video game movie?
Asked by yaujj48 | 3 responses -
What is the average age of people who play and/or watch streamers play Super Mario Maker?
Asked by mcmastodon | 3 responses -
How do I go get paid for answering questions, like in Fluther, but for cash?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 18 responses -
Which is better Playstation or Xbox?
Asked by emorris25 | 5 responses -
What are the pros and cons of Madden 20?
Asked by emorris25 | 0 responses -
Can you list your favorite game where it is good leadership to be ruthless and un-ethical in video games?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 5 responses -
Can I use my Xbox 360 without a controller?
Asked by ericmorris25 | 3 responses -
Are video games a great way to introduce the concept of death to children?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 10 responses -
If you are good at games, do you share the following "gamer's" perspective?
Asked by luigirovatti | 12 responses -
What do you think about the MMORPG "Secret World Legends"?
Asked by luigirovatti | 2 responses -
What is the unit size in real life compare to Total War?
Asked by yaujj48 | 4 responses -
Is shadow of the colossus PS4 worth getting if I haven't played original?
Asked by Leon_idas | 3 responses -
Were the emblems of the races included in starcraft 1 or did they only come to be in 2?
Asked by Pinkcottonfluffs from iPhone | 1 response -
You are hired to design the ultimate video game, what do you make?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 34 responses -
How do you complete the last level of Jane's Fleet Command from the 90's?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 0 responses -
What is special, or rare, for you in technology and or gaming?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 1 response -
What's the most complicated series you know and do you like it?
Asked by ScottyMcGeester | 13 responses -
How common is it to play a video game so long that you get blisters?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 15 responses -
Can you explain to me the following speech made on "Grand Theft Auto V" (a little background and comments if you click)?
Asked by luigirovatti | 5 responses -
How many Unown are there in Pokemon really?
Asked by Sja4710 | 5 responses -
Best and reasonably priced monitors for video editing and gaming?
Asked by xTheDreamer | 2 responses -
Do you know a webpage where there's the most complete list of the most difficult stock puzzles in video games?
Asked by luigirovatti | 1 response -
In "Game of Thrones" TV series, is Lady Margaery wrong as said by Telltale Games (quote inside)?
Asked by luigirovatti | 2 responses -
What was the very first video game you ever played?
Asked by ScottyMcGeester | 39 responses -
Any tactical RPG gamers interested in the new turn-based mech game: Battletech?
Asked by gorillapaws | 2 responses