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Romney election surprise, who wants to see that and why?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 23 responses -
How does early voting work and how do I do it?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 5 responses -
Early voting starts today in Hawai`i. Do you vote early?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 17 responses -
In which presidential election did you first cast your vote for someone younger than you?
Asked by Jeruba | 30 responses -
Californians: Are you voting yes or no on Prop 37?
Asked by _Whitetigress | 73 responses -
Will the three percent who are still undecided ever decide?
Asked by ETpro | 25 responses -
Is the average voter stupid?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 16 responses -
Are blacks obligated to vote for Obama?
Asked by woodcutter | 48 responses -
Do you ever look up candidates primary state to see how they poll in their own state?
Asked by Pandora | 7 responses -
How much would you sell your vote for?
Asked by RandomMrAdam | 37 responses -
Are you an undecided voter?
Asked by Judi from iPhone | 14 responses -
Why do you think that Fox and the Republican's made Obama's birth certificate an issue when they could have used this instead?
Asked by SquirrelEStuff | 7 responses -
How can voter ID laws be seen as anything but an attempt to deprive people of their right to vote?
Asked by LostInParadise | 129 responses -
Is there a non partisan website that acts as a clearinghouse for accurate, up to the minute information concerning political campaigns?
Asked by Earthgirl | 11 responses -
How can you be undecided?
Asked by wundayatta | 109 responses -
Doesn't it bother the Republicans that they are trying to steal the election?
Asked by filmfann | 24 responses -
Four questions about opinions and politics.
Asked by rojo | 29 responses -
Why don't more states in the US go to a vote-by-mail system?
Asked by augustlan | 16 responses -
Have you ever heard of voting by show of hands in a democratic country?
Asked by flo | 21 responses -
How important was the Republican primary over the weekend?
Asked by rojo | 6 responses -
What if there were a voting opt-out fee for US elections?
Asked by phaedryx | 33 responses -
Team Peter Griffin or Team Homer Simpson?
Asked by sydsydrox | 22 responses -
Do you vote what is best for you or what is best for the country (or state or county...)
Asked by Charles | 6 responses -
Would things change overall if people voted based on improving things for those who are LGBT?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 67 responses -
When was the last time we had an election between two good choices?
Asked by filmfann | 10 responses