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Have you ever killed someone?
Asked by girlofscience | 111 responses -
What was your family doing during WWII?
Asked by Arisztid | 95 responses -
How does everyone feel about Israel flooding Hamas tunnels with seawater?
Asked by gorillapaws | 42 responses -
If someone is opposed to abortion based on their belief in the sanctity of human life, does this mean they must also oppose acts of warfare that result in the loss of human lives?
Asked by wabbit | 24 responses -
Why do you have faith in religion and god(s)?
Asked by RandomMrdan | 99 responses -
Why would giving money to the rich motivate them, but giving it to the poor make them lazy?
Asked by ETpro | 25 responses -
Can we please take a moment to thank the veterans (and current military folks) present on Fluther?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 18 responses -
Are ISIS really just Luke and Han?
Asked by Seek | 50 responses -
What are some functional responses to my concerns? (Or how do I learn to stop worrying and love the bomb?) Or maybe this is a question about vocation.
Asked by kevbo | 28 responses -
What do you think when you hear the words "Islam" or "Muslim"?
Asked by shrubbery | 103 responses -
How many predominantly Islamic nations does the US have to invade before Muslims finally realize we mean them no harm?
Asked by ETpro | 27 responses -
Has the right finally found a way to deal with sea level rise due to Global Warming? [See details]?
Asked by ETpro | 34 responses -
Does climate affect human temperament?
Asked by trickface | 17 responses -
Florence Green, the last surviving person to have served in World War One, has died at the age of 110 years old. Will you take a moment today to reflect on the loss of a generation?
Asked by TexasDude | 13 responses -
Do you think Putin expected such a severe push back from the whole world?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 26 responses -
Will a Liberal Backlash ever come?
Asked by Espiritus_Corvus | 21 responses -
Are we missing a key point in the war on terrorism?
Asked by SquirrelEStuff | 5 responses -
What do we name the new branch of the military?
Asked by filmfann | 24 responses -
How do you feel about a 13 year old watching an R rated film in school?
Asked by Ela | 72 responses -
I noticed a lot of jellies happen to be online now - a lot of Sci-Fi nerd, geek, trekkie jellies - shall we battle?
Asked by zensky | 97 responses -
Why/When did a statement of support become actual support re: the troops?
Asked by laureth | 35 responses -
The Great Fluther War?
Asked by mowens | 76 responses -
How do you fight violence?
Asked by ninjacolin | 22 responses -
Are we heading toward another war?
Asked by janbb | 22 responses -
Is violence inherently addictive?
Asked by teirem1 | 45 responses