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An 80 year old multi millionare,man/woman,invites you to spend the weekend with them as their lover.In return you will inherit their entire estate worth a small fortune.Would you accept their invitation?
Asked by ucme | 39 responses -
Did mass production take the artist out of each of us?
Asked by josie | 33 responses -
What are your thoughts about "the law of attraction"?
Asked by lathielaw | 14 responses -
What income/net worth is enough to categorize someone as rich?
Asked by wundayatta | 22 responses -
Would you rather have one wish granted today or three wishes granted in 10 years?
Asked by Cruiser | 47 responses -
What is your opinion on the events going on at Copenhagen?
Asked by WilAthart | 19 responses -
How would you attempt to become rich/ wealthy?
Asked by The_Inquisitor | 28 responses -
What would you do with the winnings from a fifty-two week lottery winning spree?
Asked by sebastian_von_tulu | 27 responses -
Beyond GDP and Earth's limited resources - How can our societies move on without the dependency on economic growth?
Asked by mattbrowne | 10 responses -
What kind of music do wealthy people listen to?
Asked by google | 47 responses -
How to Create Wealth?
Asked by asawilliams | 17 responses -
Why are you against taxing the super-rich when they pay less taxes?
Asked by JLeslie | 30 responses -
Are you comfortable with the more-than-likely possibility that you will likely never become extraordinarily wealthy and/or famous?
Asked by The_Compassionate_Heretic | 51 responses -
If you were to win the lottery, what are the first five things you would do?
Asked by juwhite1 | 40 responses -
Can happiness be bought by money?
Asked by Blanket_Jackson | 26 responses -
Do the wealthy have an unspoken obligation to give back to the community through acts of charity?
Asked by The_Compassionate_Heretic | 29 responses -
How do you define rich?
Asked by JLeslie | 19 responses -
Why do people tend to hate all rich people whether they are good people or not?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 109 responses -
What is the minimum annual income that you would consider to be a good income?
Asked by wundayatta | 32 responses -
Poverty in Mexico - Why is there no EU-like North (and Middle) American Union?
Asked by mattbrowne | 22 responses -
Does self-deprecating humor confer a survival advantage on those who use it?
Asked by wundayatta | 8 responses -
If you were wealthy, what would you do with your money?
Asked by _Liz | 27 responses -
I want to fix everything. How to do this?
Asked by nikipedia | 33 responses -
Where does all the money go?
Asked by nikipedia | 17 responses -
Why is Martin Luther King's message on the military-industrial complex, society, war less known?
Asked by VisionaryAdvait | 11 responses