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Do you have any tricks for keeping cool in the heat?
Asked by marinelife | 39 responses -
Why are the Summer Olympics in Rio this month?
Asked by filmfann | 15 responses -
Fluff time: How hot temperature wise, is too hot to use the convertible with the top down (or off if it is a convertible hardtop)?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 6 responses -
When it's really hot, do you tend to be less productive than you typically are, or are you as active as usual?
Asked by jca | 37 responses -
Can high blood pressure/heart condition be drastically affected by weather?
Asked by ibstubro | 8 responses -
Has the weather where you live been really weird lately?
Asked by jca | 14 responses -
Is it time that we face facts and change our seasons?
Asked by Pandora | 15 responses -
Anyone else jump at the chance to hike the A.T.?
Asked by MooCows | 13 responses -
Do any schools have indoor playgrounds?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 4 responses -
Does it seem like wind damage is more and more of a concern in the area in which you live?
Asked by ibstubro | 18 responses -
Given the choice, would you prefer to live in a hot climate, cold climate, seasonal climate (going from very hot to very cold) or something else (please describe)?
Asked by jca | 29 responses -
Is there a chant to bring rain back?
Asked by YARNLADY | 17 responses -
What should be the coldest period of the day?
Asked by flo | 18 responses -
Can your genetic make up affect how you feel about external stimulus, even if you have no idea what your genetic make up is?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 15 responses -
Would putting the snowblower away trigger a snowpocalypse?
Asked by majorrich | 13 responses -
How has the winter weather been where you live so far, and how does it compare to last winter's weather?
Asked by jca | 25 responses -
Good morning. How was your blizzard?
Asked by Espiritus_Corvus | 35 responses -
East coast are you faring with the 2016 blizzard?
Asked by Cruiser | 31 responses -
What's your cold weather treat?
Asked by syz | 20 responses -
Mom always told me that spraying my plants with water before a hard freeze would save them - how would that work, exactly?
Asked by syz | 7 responses -
Is there a part of the country you wouldn't move to because of the stereotype?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 51 responses -
Has the weather in your area been really weird lately?
Asked by jca | 5 responses -
What is the difference between climate and weather?
Asked by Melody12234 | 10 responses -
How to reverse the rock salt that has become powdered salt?
Asked by flo | 8 responses -
Why is the side walk on this side bone dry, and on the other side snow from 48 or so hrs ago?
Asked by flo | 6 responses