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Have you ever mistakenly gone to the wrong funeral or wedding or other event, not to crash but totally by accident?
Asked by jca | 16 responses -
Sticky wedding etiquette question (details beneath)?
Asked by janbb | 25 responses -
Is having a wedding worth it? Would you do it again if you had to or would you pass?
Asked by LeavesNoTrace | 43 responses -
Should I reach out to my mother or not?
Asked by Lulu4500 | 36 responses -
Would you like to share something that was memorable about a wedding?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 8 responses -
Are you for or against expensive wedding and why?
Asked by imrainmaker | 26 responses -
Do you think wedding online retail can be profitable?
Asked by chelle21689 from iPhone | 16 responses -
Arranged married redux, is there still no proof that it is worse than marriage done of freewill even if the bride is a minor or not?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 7 responses -
Do people pay too much for fancy weddings?
Asked by ibstubro | 39 responses -
Would you like to attend a Pastafarian wedding?
Asked by ibstubro | 7 responses -
What do you think about highlighting couples who have been married a long time at a wedding reception?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 14 responses -
Why is it that I so dread attending weddings, yet invariably have a wonderful time at all of them?
Asked by stanleybmanly from iPhone | 8 responses -
How to become a musician for weddings?
Asked by blueberry_kid from iPhone | 8 responses -
If you found a 100 year old wedding cake in your garage, would you taste it?
Asked by ibstubro | 17 responses -
Any ideas for a wedding gift?
Asked by yankeetooter | 33 responses -
Not asked to be in very close friend's bridal party. Should I be honest with her about my feelings?
Asked by LeavesNoTrace | 41 responses -
Fluff time: In general who has the best mail order brides, Ukraine/Russia, Central America, Thailand, Vietnam, China or Brazil?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 35 responses -
How can I politely turn down a potential client?
Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 | 36 responses -
What is the point of a tuxedo that looks like a suit?
Asked by filmfann | 12 responses -
How to plan a surprise proposal?
Asked by RedKnight | 15 responses -
Instead of debating whether or not same sex marriage is an abomination, is anyone on Fluther planning to have a same sex wedding, or attend one (cause it's legal now, so it doesn't matter whether anyone thinks it's an abomination or not)?
Asked by Kardamom | 10 responses -
If you were invited to a same sex wedding, what kind of food would you hope would be served at the reception?
Asked by Kardamom | 13 responses -
Do you consider it to be an honor or a hassle to be asked to be in someone's wedding party (i.e. bridesmaid, Maid of Honor, etc.)?
Asked by jca | 18 responses -
What is a fair price for my services?
Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 | 30 responses -
What is an appropriate gift for a re-marrying dad and his fiancé?
Asked by longgone | 10 responses