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How is wine tasting in Napa in February?
Asked by darrellsilver | 1 response -
Suggest a good wine?
Asked by wondersteph | 52 responses -
Is alcohol bad for you when you are sick?
Asked by forestGeek | 28 responses -
Port barrels?
Asked by Supergirl | 5 responses -
Do product names sometimes make you not want to buy something?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 20 responses -
Looking for a wine that can be described as "buttery"...
Asked by appleyard | 12 responses -
I'm looking for a website that can recommend a wine to purchase based on what flavors I like...
Asked by appleyard | 5 responses -
What is your favorite form of holiday cheer?
Asked by SoapChef | 14 responses -
Where to put the cork?
Asked by chicadelplaya | 14 responses -
What's the best wine bar in San Francisco?
Asked by techcrunch | 1 response -
Has anyone ever purchased wine online?
Asked by mamasu | 8 responses -
Why do you like chocholate and when do you eat it?
Asked by hashembajwa | 39 responses -
How do i remove red wine stains from a wooden table?
Asked by wilhel1812 | 18 responses -
Which three wineries in Napa should I not miss?
Asked by testtoast99 | 11 responses -
How Does One Become a Master Sommelier?
Asked by hsrsmith from iPhone | 6 responses -
Why am I seeing more and more wines move from cork to screw top?
Asked by mamasu | 30 responses -
Why are you drunk while fluthering?
Asked by charliecompany34 | 29 responses -
What do I need to buy to make Sangria for a wedding reception?
Asked by Pietro | 8 responses -
Taking communion?
Asked by babygalll | 11 responses -
Are my parents alcoholics?
Asked by rking1487 | 22 responses -
Best wineries in Sonoma?
Asked by emilyrose | 4 responses -
Where can I buy (in the SF bay area) a bottle of 2005 Venturini Massimino Valpolicella Classico?
Asked by lilakess | 2 responses -
Will red wine come out?
Asked by Randy | 9 responses -
What is your favorite white wine?
Asked by toolaura4ya from iPhone | 12 responses -
Anyone have a good name for a wine bar?
Asked by breedmitch | 62 responses