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What occurs to you when you think of the year 1902?
Asked by 6rant6 | 33 responses -
What's a good shorter term for "Customer Service Section" on a Web navigation tab?
Asked by ETpro | 11 responses -
I need some help with writing, will you help me? (Details inside).
Asked by MilkyWay | 14 responses -
What is a song that always gets to you?
Asked by AshLeigh | 46 responses -
Is there a standard way to format supporting documents for scholarship applications?
Asked by prioritymail | 4 responses -
Where in the "Humpty Dumpty" nursery rhyme does it say he is an egg?
Asked by AshLeigh | 18 responses -
What would be a good introduction sentence to my "Nature V.S. Nurture" essay?
Asked by NostalgicChills | 18 responses -
Who would you name as the person to represent humanity?
Asked by 6rant6 | 40 responses -
Who knew the chat room can be a productive tool?
Asked by Blueroses | 8 responses -
What would you print on the head of a pin?
Asked by wundayatta | 23 responses -
Are you familiar with NaNoWriMo?
Asked by KateTheGreat from iPhone | 11 responses -
How would you normally format a testimonial?
Asked by Bellatrix | 7 responses -
Graphic designers: best book to teach making scientific infrographics?
Asked by Yanaba | 3 responses -
Give us your favorite Sylvia Plath quote (line from her writing)
Asked by Jude | 7 responses -
NaNoWriMo 2011: Who's participating?
Asked by DominicX | 17 responses -
What is a differences between good acting and bad acting in TV series and movies? Plus theatre?
Asked by SassyPink | 7 responses -
In countries other than the US, does the national government retain copyright of works created by its employees?
Asked by 6rant6 | 4 responses -
What global issue would be best suited for my college application essay? (Details inside)
Asked by Fly | 16 responses -
Is there a forum where I anonymously write things and have people criticise them?
Asked by Blackberry from iPhone | 18 responses -
Is it acceptable to reference characters someone else created in your own writing?
Asked by Supacase | 7 responses -
When was the term "race traitor" coined?
Asked by 6rant6 | 23 responses -
Why is using proper grammar such a problem for some people?
Asked by Blackberry | 52 responses -
On a scale one to ten how would you score on my film concept?
Asked by Mantralantis | 18 responses -
Can you help me with the wording in this note?
Asked by Supacase | 17 responses -
Do you ever wonder how your written word in all the various mediums it may be presented is "heard" by the reader?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 14 responses