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In /r/goforgold on Reddit, what kind of award should be awarded for a 500 word story?
Asked by AsksQuestions | 5 responses -
In Reddit, I made a challenge. Should I keep it open or should I close it?
Asked by AsksQuestions | 3 responses -
How frightening is Writer's Block? Share your stories, please.
Asked by ThePinkWriter1 | 12 responses -
Shall we make a joint writing course for conspiracy thinkers/writers/inventors?
Asked by rebbel | 9 responses -
Do you enjoy correcting people when they make a mistake in writing, or do you feel it's your duty?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 22 responses -
How can the search on "amazon.com" be narrowed to search for all the male writers of mystery, thrillers, and suspense?
Asked by luigirovatti | 11 responses -
Can you give me some examples of therapeutic or inspiring questions?
Asked by Gremlin | 10 responses -
In what dimension is the reader of a story in relation to the story?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 17 responses -
Do you think most thriller/mystery/suspense authors are more comfortable of writing about main characters of the same sex?
Asked by luigirovatti | 5 responses -
Have you ever tried to write anything on a napkin?
Asked by kneesox | 18 responses -
Can you recommend me some title ideas for my book?
Asked by dopeguru | 22 responses -
Would this count as plagiarism?
Asked by MaisyS | 8 responses -
When writing a story, do you have to add background to why something happened or can you simply put it into another whole book?
Asked by idktimmyturner | 15 responses -
Do we have an app that adjusts the reading comprehension level in a book?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 17 responses -
What is your take on apps like Clean Reader?
Asked by hihellohi | 7 responses -
Am I doing the right thing (details inside)?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 26 responses -
What are the best worldbuilding strategies to use in fiction?
Asked by give_seek | 7 responses -
Could someone point out in the Fluther guidelines where writing standards apply to answers?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 13 responses -
Am I supposed to capitalize the H in he when talking about Jesus?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 27 responses -
How do I get over embarrassment after sending letter to police?
Asked by Yeetthefrog | 6 responses -
What are some original passions?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 6 responses -
Why do some people put an apostrophe on plurals even when they are not possessives?
Asked by janbb | 27 responses -
What do you think happens at the end of "The Ghost Writer"?
Asked by luigirovatti | 4 responses -
Do you have a favorite poem or a few lines from one?
Asked by CunningFox | 12 responses -
Uses of the abbreviation "auth." in an academic paper?
Asked by spe42 | 9 responses