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What are some things I need to consider when starting my own comic?
Asked by unused_bagels | 7 responses -
Any ideas about this 5-page paper I'm supposed to have done by next Friday?
Asked by ChocolateReigns | 5 responses -
What is your opinion on using feminine instead of masculine pronouns in academic work?
Asked by bezdomnaya | 63 responses -
Any websites/good advice for making a book?
Asked by sevenfourteen | 7 responses -
What are the best books to read/teach to pass the AP English exam?
Asked by Carly | 9 responses -
Anyone attempting/attempted National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)? Tips?
Asked by kevbo | 4 responses -
Need advice on how to become a published Author in India and the process involved ?
Asked by mdtahirshaikh | 5 responses -
What's the rationale for "this," instead of "this", (comma outside the double quote)
Asked by rexpresso | 8 responses -
When was the last time you used a pencil?
Asked by LostInParadise | 34 responses -
How does one reconnect with old bosses or colleagues if one didn't make much of an impression in the past?
Asked by aprilsimnel | 7 responses -
If you are looking to find out about a particular restaurant, what would you want the restaurant reviewer to focus on?
Asked by Kardamom | 26 responses -
What is the best clean, quick and painless way to die?
Asked by i2182266 | 28 responses -
What is the origin of the check mark?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 23 responses -
What should I do next, regarding an incommunicative employer who owes me agreed-upon money?
Asked by JonnyCeltics | 15 responses -
What do you think of the opening paragraph to my novel?
Asked by rockfan from iPhone | 21 responses -
What different angles can I take on a college project about binge drinking?
Asked by dazedandconfused | 9 responses -
How can I put my last name and page number on the top right corner of each page?
Asked by jabag11 | 3 responses -
Can someone please help me come up with a surname for one of my fictional characters?
Asked by weeveeship | 21 responses -
Could you give me some advice concerning one of our own?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 92 responses -
Where & how to get hold of investors interested in books, literature, publishing?
Asked by Cartman | 8 responses -
Describe some particular memorable moments in your everyday life?
Asked by iamsophie | 16 responses -
When writing a story, do you have to add background to why something happened or can you simply put it into another whole book?
Asked by idktimmyturner | 15 responses -
Anyone know Late night writing spots in NYC?
Asked by excinit | 2 responses -
Are the questions and answers on fluther way too long?
Asked by steve6 | 51 responses -
What subject in education is the most valuable in your opinion?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 42 responses