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Any tips for learning Arabic?
Asked by TexasDude | 16 responses -
Which words do you find misspelled the most often?
Asked by mrjadkins | 44 responses -
Who are your favorite comedians, comediannes?
Asked by MicaDirtCat | 47 responses -
Who knows the streets of NYC well?
Asked by Mr_Saturn512 | 6 responses -
Could anyone give me some advice on law school personal statement writing and editing?
Asked by SofaKingWright | 4 responses -
Punctuation problems. comma and semicolon rules. help please. when to use with 'and'?
Asked by kutelilkat | 30 responses -
What are the differences between different book publishing options that are available?
Asked by windex | 11 responses -
How does one go about finding local free-lance writing work?
Asked by Windmill | 6 responses -
How to write a thesis statement for an essay?
Asked by TanyaL | 9 responses -
What are the common problems people have when hiring and working with freelance writers?
Asked by jrc01 | 9 responses -
Does anyone know any Irish literature publications that publish poetry and short stories?
Asked by Scott_Leonard | 4 responses -
Can you remember a specific piece of advice on writing that made reference to the stain on a motel room wall?
Asked by Jeruba | 11 responses -
I need your help, Jellies. What do you think they're looking for with this request?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 20 responses -
Has anyone read Jack Keroauc's 'Big Sur'? Was it a difficult read for you?
Asked by stardust | 8 responses -
How many novel pages is one handwritten page?
Asked by Faerywitch | 6 responses -
I’m writing a story where a 16 year old female assassin beats (not kills) a 43 year old man in a fight. How do I make that seem believable without invoking magical powers or seriously nerfing the man’s strength?
Asked by BB8ISGREATMATE | 19 responses -
What are some good, short, present-tense books?
Asked by Qingu | 5 responses -
How would you describe a hula hoop to someone's who's never seen one before?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 19 responses -
Do you think people who write with the left hand are much more talented than others?
Asked by Ranimi23 | 52 responses -
Synonyms for tough times?
Asked by curiouslillady21 | 25 responses -
Any Tom Wolfe fans? If so, what would you recommend that I read first?
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 8 responses -
Writers: Would you submit your novel to a contest that will edit, illustrate, publish, market and sell your book for you if you win?
Asked by JSpeer | 15 responses -
What is the historical term for a person who writes letters for someone who is illiterate?
Asked by give_seek | 7 responses -
Would this count as plagiarism?
Asked by MaisyS | 8 responses -
What percentage of books have a prologue?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 23 responses