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Describe your best friend?
Asked by AshLeigh | 38 responses -
If you could instill one piece of advice in a newborn baby’s mind, what advice would you give?
Asked by Faidle | 29 responses -
If you could ask one person, alive or dead, only one question, who would you ask and what would you ask?
Asked by AshLeigh | 54 responses -
Any of you Jellies have tattoos?
Asked by Faidle | 32 responses -
Who is the strongest person you know?
Asked by Faidle | 34 responses -
If you were forced to eliminate every physical possession from your life with the exception of what could fit into a single backpack, what would you put in it?
Asked by AshLeigh | 31 responses -
If you looked into the heart of your enemy, what do you think you would find that is different from what is in your own heart?
Asked by Faidle | 20 responses -
How much effort do you put into just being yourself?
Asked by _zen_ | 27 responses -
Your preference: aluminum or glass bottle?
Asked by robmandu | 23 responses -
What is the worst crime/s you'ver ever been involved with personally?
Asked by bkcunningham | 43 responses -
What are the two sides to your Fluther story?
Asked by bob_ | 67 responses -
Gents: what's your trouser action at the urinal?
Asked by robmandu | 32 responses -
What is one word you'd use to describe yourself? And others would agree after 1 meeting with you?
Asked by AmWiser | 52 responses -
What's stopping you?
Asked by bob_ | 23 responses -
What do you use to describe your little "world"?
Asked by Vincent_Lloyd | 27 responses -
What do you do that makes you stand out?
Asked by Julietxx3 | 23 responses -
If you were a dwarf, what would your name and title be?
Asked by Berserker | 28 responses -
What role were you born for?
Asked by erichw1504 | 39 responses -
How do you define yourself, in a nutshell?
Asked by seazen | 40 responses -
How come there are so many different types of cheeses, what is the difference between them and why are they all so delicious?
Asked by Arbornaut | 16 responses -
What does music sound like to you?
Asked by 28lorelei | 14 responses -
What's your brand?
Asked by prolificus from iPhone | 7 responses -
Did you or your children ever catch Santa in the act of toy delivery?
Asked by john65pennington | 8 responses -
How can I explain myself?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 19 responses -
Are you somebody's protégé or mentor?
Asked by bob_ | 18 responses