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anniereborn's avatar

(NSFW) Orgasm question for women?

Asked by anniereborn (15537points) October 19th, 2013

Are you able to have an orgasm by penetration alone?

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66 Answers

Headhurts's avatar

Yes I am. We don’t do much foreplay, in fact hardly any. We’ll kiss and then he’s straight in there. I probably orgasm 99% of the time.

hearkat's avatar

Only with one particular partner who fit me perfectly. I usually mention in such questions about how much a difference physical proportions between partners makes a difference – and not just the size of the sexual organs, but the way their bodies and limbs align in different positions. Note that in some positions allow for clitoral stimulation during intercourse, so orgasm is easier to achieve that way. Being on top and in control of the angles and depths and force of thrust is a great way to experiment and find what works best for you.

syz's avatar

Extremely rarely.

Mariah's avatar

Not yet, doubt it’ll probably change.

ucme's avatar


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Blackberry's avatar

In this thread: whoever orgasms the easiest gets the internet points lol.

glacial's avatar

@Blackberry Yeah… what’s up with that? Looks like a GA here mean “Aww… good for you!” Haha.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Rarely but it happens from time to time!

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muppetish's avatar

[Mod says] Cool it, guys. Social will not harbour flame-baiting and personal attacks.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

No way. Never have.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

What got you guys all excited? This is simple biology. Very few women can get off without additional stimulation.

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Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Mods, why so testy?

glacial's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I don’t think they were being testy.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It was that bad?

trailsillustrated's avatar

yes but the guy has to know how to move. If they don’t it doesn’t work.

Katniss's avatar

Sometimes. Usually not.

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Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Well guys, why don’t we just get along and work towards making the ladies happy? won’t that make life easier for everyone?

Unbroken's avatar

Apparently I missed all the fun.

I will say as far as self pleasure goes my fav is clitoral. But @hearkat gave the best answer I think. If with a new partner you want to pleasure take time to go down on her first figure out her proportions and where her g spot is. It feels.different then the rest figure out what kind of pressure really gets her squirming and vocal.

I just want to clarify and say the g spot is real. And squirting is also biologically natural.

I can only presume that a woman’s inability to climax during penetration might be psychological or mental in some way. there are different types of arousal and the mind plays an important part.

When I am not comfortable or feel like some of my other needs arent met or there is little to no connection I have difficulty climaxing other then direct mechanical stimulation to my clit. And the orgasm is about as fulfilling a mechanical achievement.

muppetish's avatar

[mod says] One more time: all flame-bait and personal attacks will be removed.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I can definitely orgasm through clitoral stimulation, but never through g-spot stimulation – by myself or with a partner. I don’t feel like it’s psychological at all; I think some women are just easier to please than others. Lucky bitches. I found my g-spot and I can achieve the “I have to pee” sensation from stimulating it, but it never goes anywhere no matter how long I’m at it. I’ve tried all the tricks and nothing has worked. Clitoral orgasms are nice, but it would be cool to achieve a g-spot orgasm at least once. I’d prefer to skip the squirting though – I’m not a fan of having to clean up afterward. And I’m not sleeping in a wet spot.

ETpro's avatar

@anniereborn What an excellent question. Guys should be reading this. In most studies I’ve read, a relatively small number of women routinely orgasm from vaginal penetration alone, and nearly half never do. Yet most males are unaware of this, and if they figure out she’s not getting off, they either blame themselves or her when the truth is that’s a joke of anatomy. There are all sorts of techniques to ensure that she has her fun just as surely as he has his. Hint—when all else fails, use your head, guys.

Just think what a fun research project it is figuring out what does and doesn’t work.

Unbroken's avatar

@livelaughlove21 Thank you for the insight. I remember when I was a virgin and exploring that realm I hit that I have to pee feeling quite often and scared I actually would would stop and say I needed a pee break. But then would find I really didn’t have to urinate. This went on for a while I remember just thinking if I could back the feeling and resist the need to stop just a bit longer each time I would be able to get there. The first time I orgasmed that way there was a mess on the sheets and I was paranoid it was pee. I guess I really didn’t have a clue about sex. Or the female orgasm. But my boyfriend was older and assured me it wasn’t. Even after that moment I still struggled with it for a year or so. I practiced with a dildo, was in cars where the option of running to the bathroom didn’t feel like an escape esp when I knew the feeling was normal. Now there are still moments I have of wait do I really need to pee? and sometimes the answer is yes. But practice is key, the more comfortable you are doing it by yourself the more you repeat the achievement the easier it becomes. not all this is directed to you, maybe it will help someone other then myself and that doesn’t have to be you.

You mentioned you don’t like wet spots understandable. Usually I am not overly fond of them myself. Even when I come clitorally I ejaculate, do you not? Could this be a mental block? When I don’t want a mess or have time for forethought I will put down a towel or two or a spare sheet on the bed to protect it. This usually works if change positions often it can be a bit of a pain or it can be funny. Guys really love it when we gush so the fact that its needed is awesome to them.

@ETpro You are right guys could gain from this thread. But just a quick note. For years guys going down on me made me uncomfortable. I have heard too many fish tacos or oyster jokes and well I also didn’t ever really look at my vagina and see it as beautiful. That was about the only times I ever faked orgasm was when he insisted on going down on me til I came I just wanted him back where I was comfortable.

But then I had the privilege of being with a guy who loved giving and receiving oral. I finally had to tell him why I didn’t like it. The next time we had sex he tied my hands up and positioned himself between my legs and described how beautiful I was to me gave me a nickname based on my female organ said it was the most beautiful one he had ever seen. He said that every time I walked into the room that was the first thing he thought about. “I wonder what she tastes like tonight” He wanted me to taste just me. Then he described what he was doing asked me if I liked it. Made me tell him what I wanted. and when it was over I did taste myself. He may have laid it on a little thick.. But it worked it gave me confidence I didn’t have before and was actually able to enjoy it after that I did the whole mirror thing and took pictures of my twat at different angles. It was like I was discovering and freeing myself to enjoy something that should have been natural all along.

My point being is not every woman likes being gone down on. Sometimes it takes more then that.

ETpro's avatar

@Unbroken What a fantastic story. Thank you for sharing that. Would that we all could approach making love with such a spirit of wonder.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Unbroken “Even when I come clitorally I ejaculate, do you not?”

Nope, never.

anniereborn's avatar

@Unbroken “Even when I come clitorally I ejaculate, do you not?”
I never do either

janbb's avatar

Never even heard of it til it was discussed on here.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@anniereborn For some reason, I’m not too bummed out that I don’t. Sounds more like an inconvenience than anything else.

@janbb Heard of what? Female ejaculation?

anniereborn's avatar

@livelaughlove21 I agree. Unless it feels really awesome, then I might be bummed out.

Blackberry's avatar

Lol….What the hell happened here? Even in a thread not about politics, religion, or parenting, and people still flame?

gailcalled's avatar

I am unfamiliar with the concept of female ejaculation also.

livelaughlove21's avatar

For those wanting to see female ejaculation at its finest, look up Cytherea. She’s the queen of squirting and one of the few porn stars that isn’t faking it or peeing. Most girls that can ejaculate do not squirt, but simply “gush” upon orgasm. Not as fun to watch, if you ask me, but way more common.

Unbroken's avatar

I had no idea this was abnormal. I suppose you are not missing much. Though the wetter and more turned on I am the more capable I am of handling a rougher quality of sex.

Also and this may be true for those who don’t experience it too is I get a feeling of release even if I do continue to build in the next moments. Another benefit is never needing lube or spit. Squirting on the other hand I have only done for a few years. I generally feel boneless. But I have learned how to continue on after the fact. It is la petit mort in truth though. Clean up a sheet or towel won’t handle usually.

Here’s an article

hearkat's avatar

@Blackberry – I have no idea, I didn’t get to see any of the comments before they were modded, and I am curious whether any were directed at my comment.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Unbroken I was with a woman that left a huge wet spot the first time we made love. The second time I got a large bath towel out. She was a little self conscious. I said it just meant I was doing my job well. She relaxed and went with it.
@hearkat No two jellies were just having a personal fued.

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Headhurts's avatar

I think if you just have plain ‘in out, in out’ sex, then maybe it is hard to orgasm. Like @hearkat said, if you have someone that fits you like a glove, then there is kind of no room left to do anything but. My s/o teases me, he will just keep a small amount of himself inside me (still moving of course), it drives me wild. It brings me on the edge and I thrust myself into him, and when he know I am about there, he gives it me all, and my god, I orgasm like there is no tomorrow.

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Headhurts's avatar

No he didn’t. He just answered the question and certain people like to jump on him with sarcasm and ‘humour’ every time. Ok for one offs I suppose. Guess he got sick of it for every time he posted

ragingloli's avatar

Since when is “Hahahahaha!” an answer?

Headhurts's avatar

Since when are a lot of replies on here a proper answer?

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Katniss's avatar

Again I ask, why do I always miss the good stuff? lol

Blackberry's avatar

@Katniss Hopefully someone will fill us in…...

Katniss's avatar

@Blackberry That would be fabulous!

Lorna's avatar

Absolutely. Women should learn to let go more. Just go with the motions.

katie129's avatar

Yes. I can also climb on top of my husband and make us both orgasm by only flexing my vaginal muscles and applying pressure. It took some practice, but so worth it.

ETpro's avatar

@katie129 That would be awesome. Lucky hubby to have you in his life.

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