Social Question

rebbel's avatar

"The best album of my favorite band is?"?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) October 30th, 2021

Other than Best Of albums.

What is your favorite band/artist, and what is their best album, in your humble opinion?

Bonus question, about my favorite band, Steely Dan:
What, do you feel, is their best album?
For me that would be Royal Scam.

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8 Answers

SABOTEUR's avatar

My favorite artist usually charges depending on the mood I’m in. But as I’m in the process of finding and adding songs to my recently purchased cell phone, my favorite artist and album appear to be:

The Rolling Stones
Exile On Main St.

or, is it:


(I TOLD you my favorite artist is likely to change…!)

Forever_Free's avatar

Too tough a question. It depends on my mood. Up there on the list:
Pink Floyd – Dark Side of the Moon
Santana – Abraxas
Alan Parsons Project – I Robot
Elton John – Madman across the water
Beatles – White Album
Pearl Jam – 10
Nirvana – Nevermind
Dylan – Blood on the Tracks
Bob Marley – Exodus
Steely Dan – everyone of them! Seen them a ton of times and have tix for upcoming show with SD and Steve Winwood.
I could go on for days on a list like this.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

White Album, Beatles. I know, Old School as hell. So sue me.

SABOTEUR's avatar

@Nomore_lockout There’s never any need to justify one’s music preferences. I went through that crap as a kid for liking “white people’s music”. It just so happens that “The White Album” was my introduction to the Beatles as one of three black kids in my 6th grade class. Had no idea I’d still be following them “when I’m 64”.

Old school as HELL.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@SABOTEUR You are a man of good taste and refinement, I see ; )

SABOTEUR's avatar

@Nomore_lockout Good taste and refinement. That’s the nicest description anyone has attributed to me regarding my listening to the same music for 50 years.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

It also helps that we seem to be in to the same music : )

malcomkade's avatar

Its definitely a Beatles album, although I have trouble choosing one. I suppose sometimes it is The White Album or Rubber Soul. Today I think I have to choose Revolver. Its full of great songs with a more experimental production style. I think Ringo said it was the last album that they were all happy and having fun making it.

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