Social Question

bob_'s avatar

If you liked it, should you be expected to put a ring on it?

Asked by bob_ (21897points) March 21st, 2010

Is BeyoncĂ© right? A relationship’s natural course necessarily leads to marriage? Is there a line that divides a man’s fear of commitment and a woman’s “obsession” to get married? And while we’re at it, isn’t it sexist to assume that it’s the man who’ll be afraid of commitment? What are your thoughts?

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30 Answers

ucme's avatar

My “wife” in all but name, & I have been together for the last 18yrs.Not married, perfectly happy & committed to one another,two wonderful kids.So I guess for us the divine Beyonce is wrong.

Ltryptophan's avatar

I’m not going to do it until I have come to the absolute conclusion that I intend to keep that very long promise. Maybe such whims as eternal faithfulness are easier to release for some.

lillycoyote's avatar

As far as the song goes:

‘Cause I’ve cried my tears (tears)
For three good years (years)

So… after three years a woman might have reason to expect that the relationship might lead to marriage. But not all women want or expect that.

I just think the real issue, the real problem, is when the people in a relationship have entirely different expectations. If you want to get married, don’t stay with a guy that doesn’t want to get married, or get married any time soon. And if you don’t want to get married, or married anytime soon, and you know that the woman you’re with does, then don’t keep stringing her along.

Sarcasm's avatar

I put rings on all sorts of things that I like. Women, computer games, kitty cats, my music library. I’ve been trying for months to put rings on the universe itself. It’s not working out so well.
It’s like the 21st century version of giving a thumbs up, or rating a youtube video 5 stars.

Sarcasm's avatar

@bob_ Not only did I join it, I put a ring on it!

HungryGuy's avatar

Anecdote: I once had a girlfriend who wanted me to get a cell phone from her provider so that we could send each other unlimited texts.

(BTW, I had—and still have—a pre-paid phone from Virgin Mobil that costs about $5 per month and I can make any combination of calls and texts up to a $5 value for that, but it’s expensive if I go over that. Best of all, there’s no committment, even though I’ve been with them for years and years. For the little that I use a cell phone, it’s perfect for me, even if I go a little over the limit sometime.)

I was hesitant to get the phone because I don’t trust plans, and she accused me of being afraid of committment. So I got the phone. A few months later, she broke up with me and I was stuck with a phone that I neither needed nor wanted.

So to those of you who accuse men of being afraid of committment, take that for what it’s worth…

Chongalicious's avatar

My mom and dad have been together for…I think 23 years? Never married.
Dad calls it “happily unmarried”.
Mom calls it “waiting”.

thriftymaid's avatar

No. No. No. No. My thoughts? Every person and every relationship is unique.

HungryGuy's avatar

[NSFW] If I like it, I’m more inclined to put a collar or a Cum Sponge harness on it than a ring :-p

MacBean's avatar

As much as I love dancing around the house like a fool to that song, I really hate the lyrics. If you like it, just make sure she knows. You don’t have to put a goddamn ring on it, and if she’s not happy with that, she wasn’t all that great to begin with.

@HungryGuy: <fistbump>

chamelopotamus's avatar

From a guy’s point of view, for marriage: 1.) Ensure your girlfriend that you will provide romantic, sexual, and financial (etc.) security. Activate her biological instincts to stay with one man and produce offspring lol. Not to mention benefits from the state.
and against: 2.) “I don’t need a piece of paper to tell me I love this woman”.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Worst song ever.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

No, no, no, yes.

aprilsimnel's avatar

You know, if people actually talked to each other about expectations every so often, Bey-bey need not have ever written that song. If one person wants to marry and the other just wants a F-buddy, then that ought to be out in the open straightaway.

HTDC's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Heh, every time I see a succession of no’s, I get reminded of Jim from The Vicar Of Dibley. :D

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@HTDC I’ve never seen that before, :)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy No, the worst song ever was her Cater 2 U.

HTDC's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Aw really? I thought the Vicar Of Dibley was pretty well known. Maybe not so much in America. ;)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@HTDC I don’t know a lot of American things

aprilsimnel's avatar

@HTDC – The Vicar of Dibley was on many, many PBS stations in the US. Just FYI.

HTDC's avatar

@aprilsimnel Oh okay, I didn’t know.

faye's avatar

Marriage is for men. They get a housekeeper, cook, sex partner. They get someone to wash their clothes, feed them chicken soup when they’re sick, and send the birthday cards and gifts to their relatives. Commitment!!! We ask that you listen to us talk and rub our shoulders, maybe a little foreplay.

Sarcasm's avatar

@faye If I’ve learned anything about marriage from comedians, it’s that married women never have sex, but demand constant attention.

faye's avatar

Male comedians.

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

@HTDC I remember that! hehe.
I have an easier time making decisions when renting a movie then when buying one. I don’t need a ring on it. I’ll take it out on loan.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Sauron’s had a think about this…

meagan's avatar

Nooo. My ex and I were chatting last night, he recently broke up with his latest girlfriend because she was pressuring him to marry her.
He’s considerably older, divorced, with two children (not to mention not the “committed” type).
The fact that she wasn’t aware that he isn’t the marrying type tells me so much. Some men just don’t want to be tamed!

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