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wundayatta's avatar

What is the purpose of boredom?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) December 7th, 2010

Have you ever been bored? What were the circumstances? What does boredom feel like to you? What is your response to boredom? Do you seek entertainment (a passive response)? Do you seek, action? Can you provide an example?

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22 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

For me, it is a starter kit for big trouble.
I will not provide an example .So,there. XD

john65pennington's avatar

Boredom is the time that makes us appreciate the fun times so much more.

I believe boredom has a purpose. it gives our body and mind time to go into neutral and rest.

wundayatta's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Whoa, whoa, whoa! Since when did you ever get all modest about your life?

Give it up, or I’ll put bubble gum in your pistol!

mYcHeMiCaLrOmAnCe's avatar

I’m bored like 20 hours a day. And the other 4, I don’t know. Many things could happen in 4 hours and I’m talking about the good stuff only.

Scooby's avatar

For me, motivation! :-/
It’s a sign to pull my finger out & do something!
Clean out the garage!!! Lol…..

ucme's avatar

Allows us to empathise with the children of Russia. Vladivostock in particular.

Blackberry's avatar

When I’m really bored, I just think about how meaningless our lives really are lol. Not in a nihlistic way, but just a ‘what the hell is this all for?’ kind of way. I think about how we all (every species) just float around until we die, and when humans are totally bored and sitting in a room, we’re this insignificant mass that is totally helpless in this extremely vast universe.

I think the same way when I see pets that sit at home when their owners are at work. I know they play and stuff, but just like us at home watching TV, the dog is just sitting there not doing anything…..What the hell is it thinking about its own existence lol? It seems like we created all of this stuff just out of boredom and curiosity lol.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@wundayatta I wouldn’t want to give anybody any ideas XD

wundayatta's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I’m not kidding about the bubble gum.

Cruiser's avatar

From an entertainment standpoint of boredom that is never an issue for me! Hell no! Not enough time in the day to burn through all the possibilities! Boredom for me comes in one really annoying form and it is when people try to pass their boredom off on me and look to me for solutions to their lack of imagination! Hey!! Not my job people!! You can hitch your wagon and come along for the ride but don’t get in my way and try and slow me down!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@wundayatta I’m not kidding about the ideas

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m with @Cruiser. Boredom is nature’s way of telling you to get up, go outside, and get busy. If figure way back when our ancestors swung from the trees, the ones that sat around studying their navels made the easiest targets and were eaten by predators.
If I close my eyes and then open them, I see an endless task list: shovel the snow, cut the grass, clean the rain gutters, fix the toilet, do the report, answer email, ....Fluther.

BoBo1946's avatar

I just go with the flow! Life cannot be exciting all the time. Besides, being bored allow my body to rest.

Jeruba's avatar

I’m bored only when I’m trapped in a situation that I can’t escape from and I have no resources of my own; for example, in a waiting room without a magazine. If I have something to write or draw on and with, or something to read, I’m fine. And sometimes I do choose to stop and be still with my own thoughts and just look at the grass or a tree or the sky. But choosing it and being trapped with it are two different things. Boredom as such doesn’t seem to have any purpose; it’s just a waste product.

I don’t see entertainment as an antidote to boredom at all. Entertainment can be the most boring thing there is. Commitment to something—engagement in something, commitment to a project or a purpose, meaningful activity—this is one bulwark against boredom. And another is a rich inner life, alive with interesting thoughts and fueled by an accumulation of reading, knowledge, experience, and observation.

lloydbird's avatar

“Boredom” is a luxurious position, that the vast majority of people (as things stand) aspire to.
For most, to escape from the desperate drudgery of subsistence would be a blessing. Sad to say, but true. Count yourself lucky if you are bored!

As for its “purpose”, it’s a bit like pins and needles.
A kind of lack of circulation for the imagination.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

I don’t see how someone who hates boredom can be bored. You have a million and one things you can think about.

wundayatta's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I hope you clean your gun carefully before every use ;-)

Supacase's avatar

I agree with @john65pennington about the purpose of boredom, but I react to boredom much like @Blackberry.

iamthemob's avatar

This has to be a survey on your part – because I know that you’re not asking because you get bored. Not someone who is afraid of their own imagination….;-)

josie's avatar

Boredom is a sure sign that it is time to take action.

mattbrowne's avatar

It’s part of an anti-stress regimen.

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