General Question

marmoset's avatar

On Facebook, is there any way to just view all my friends' names in alphabetical order?

Asked by marmoset (1341points) June 28th, 2012 from iPhone

This is surprisingly hard to google. I don’t need their contact info, just a list of every friend.

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4 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t have Timeline. When I go to my profile page and click on friends in the left column below my profile pick I ge an alphabetical list by first name of my friends. Maybe there is a way to do it by last name on the pull down menu, not sure.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Apparently, many people who are using the Timeline feel the same way that you do on this subject. A search on FB’s Help site shows a workaround posted by one member. Here is the thread. Since 47 people marked it as finding the workaround’s response helpful, it is worth giving it a try.

Good luck, and let us know what you find out!

marmoset's avatar

Thank you. Her post is the closest thing I’ve seen to a solution (friends can unsubscribe, so it probably won’t list ALL your friends—and you inexplicably can’t view the list in anything but alpha-by-first-name—but it’s better than nothing!).

marmoset's avatar

Ugh. I realized the worse problem with that solution is that also included are all the people who are no longer friends but are still subscribed, and there’s no way to tell who’s who.

The upshot from the web: for anyone who’s updated to Timeline, there’s no good solution for this very basic problem, and a lot of people are very pissed about that. :)

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