General Question

Jonathan_hodgkins's avatar

How do I gain shelf space for my nascent product in local retail stores?

Asked by Jonathan_hodgkins (687points) October 24th, 2012

I created a product that is perfect for sales in local speciality knick knack stores. I have packaged the product and created a small display. (7” wide by 12” long by 10” high). How do I approach small local retail stores and what should my strategy be? Should I convince them to purchase an entire display or do I just rent space on their shelves? I’m not sure how this works and how to initiate the conversation. Any suggestions, thoughts or wisdom out there for a just starting entrepeneur?

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2 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

First, make sure you are talking to the person who is authorized to make decisions. It can be frustrating to talk to a clerk who can’t.

Here is an article I found by doing a search You could probably think of better wording.

Buttonstc's avatar

Have you ever contacted your local SCORE. that stands for Service Corps of Retired Executives. They volunteer their time to guide entrepreneurs like yourself in all aspects of their startups.

They are available through the SBA, a govt. organization. There is no charge. They do their best to match you up with a SCORE volunteer with expertise and experience for your particular needs.

The problem you’re describing is one faced by all startups with new products and the whole shelf space game is a system into itself. An experienced person can guide you through the rules of the game.

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